Preprofessional study and PharmD Admission

In common app, it has an option to indicate preprofessional studies. If you choose prepharmacy, after being accepted into your intended major, say Bio-Engineering (in Engineering school), will you receive a separate admission notification for prepharmacy? (Not referring to GPPA). Do you have to be in LAS? Can you fulfill pharmD prerequisite with Bio-Engineering undergraduate major? How does it work? The web site noted Bio-Engineering degree has pharmacist as one of the potential career choice.

Secondly, if you are an UIC undergraduate student, would it be easier to get into UIC PharmD later comparing to students applying from other schools? Do you have stats for UIC undergraduates being accepted into UIC PharmD, - GPA, PCAT score, %, …?

Any information would be appreciated!

Thank you!