prereq for biz econ at Ucla

<p>my number one goal in this college admission process is to get into haaas.
I have been following the prereqs and breadth requirements for Haas and by the end of this fall ill be done with both prereq and breadth (all 9), except econ2 which I will be taking during the spring semester.
Here is my concern.
As many of you are aware, admission to Hass is difficult and having 4.0
does not guarantee anyone of the ticket to Haas. So I need an alternative in case I do not get into Haas, and bizecon at LA is my alternative.
But there is a little prob.
For bizecon at LA i still need to take second yr calc, 2 accounting classes and econ 2--4 prereqs remaining to be taken by the end of spring.
I have 4.0 so far and chances are Ill end upw a 4.0 this semester also.
And my question...
would my lack of completed prereqs hurt my chance significantly?
or theyll give me the benefit of the doubt for having a 4.0?</p>

<p>Missing prereqs is an automatic rejection for UCLA bizecon</p>

<p>It's really your choice if you want to take those classes. But remember for UCLA missing ANY pre-reqs for Bizecon will be an automatic rejection. You could apply to UCSD and other UC's too who aren't as firm on pre reqs as UCLA/CAL for back up schools. Also might wanna apply to USC Marshal school.</p>

<p>^^ USC Marshall requires all prereqs to be completed as well.</p>