<p>I have a few questions concerning prerequisites for my major. On here: ASSIST</a> Report: EVERGRN 08-09 UCB Articulation Agreement by Major, it states that I need one history course. Will it increase my chances if I were to take more than one history course that is offered at the college I currently attend?</p>
<p>It looks like your Polisci pre-reqs are missing. I would just take more polisci classes instead of more history classes to prepare yourself. Thats what the counselor for my major at Berkeley said to me, but Im not 100% sure about polisci so you should email them.</p>
<p>Yes finish one of the history courses that you need to do. As for the PoliSci courses, you should complete the only polisci course that counts for pre-req to Berkeley.</p>
<p>Thank you very much for both of your help. I was thinking of taking another Political Science course at another community since it says I need two Political Science courses; however, they are quite far away.</p>
<p>Whatever you do, make sure you complete the prereqs for your major, Berkeley is a stickler on this (I’ve met with folks in different departments and they all concur); they turn away many applicants because they have not completed the available prereqs at their community colleges.</p>
<p>By available prerequisites, when they ask for only one history course, should I take all of the necessary ones? In addition, like I said before, if it is not offered at my community college, will it be a problem?</p>
<p>Taking both History 17A and 17B would be nice, if only because it is a series and looks good on transcript; but you aren’t required to take two history courses. As long as you’ve taken one and also that PolsySci 1 course, you’re fine on prereqs. If you can find a community college besides Evergreen, within commuting distance, that offers the other PolySci courses, TAKE THEM. I’m spoiled in the Bay Area, there are a TON of community colleges so there is no excuse for me to miss a prereq.</p>
<p>Another idea to do and not be shy about: contact someone in the department, they usually have their own website per dept. and usually they have an assigned undergraduate advisor. Email or call them and see if you can come talk to them. Email your transcript ahead of time. </p>
<p>I did this for three departments and got meetings with all three; each counselor was happy to sit with me, analyze my transcripts, advise me on what to take, and make sure I’m ready to apply to their major.</p>
<p>Don’t be shy, it’s your education… GO GET IT. :)</p>
<p>oh, and make sure you have IGETC covered. If you’ve done all you can, enroll in courses that interest you and are challenging and that transfer (the catalog will tell you if it transfers for credit, even if it doesn’t help IGETC or your major, it will still count).</p>
<p>Thank you very much, ilivefree! I really appreciate your help.</p>