Prescreening Results

<p>This two week break while the offices are closed is a real killer…can’t wait until notifications start coming out again on the 6th!</p>

<p>@lastbird I don’t know how things were last year, but on my decisiondesk where I submitted my prescreening materials (clarinet) NU included questions asking audition date preferences which I have answered. Should that be enough or do I have to request the audition date on top of that? </p>

<p>@mmmarimba I know, I cannot wait!</p>

<p>JinoLol, I looked at the Northwestern website and it does look like it is all handled through DropBox this year (that makes a lot more sense). Best of luck!</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from frost school of music about the contemporary program yet?</p>

<p>Have not heard from Frost’s pr</p>

<p>Have not heard from Frost’s jazz program, hopefully today or tomorrow</p>

<p>Forgot to mention - 12/20 - passed MSM’s prescreen (on viola, rather obviously.)</p>

<p>Updated. Happy New Year to All!</p>

<p>BoCo, graduate, composition- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, undergrad, viola- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, graduate, viola- 12/5/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, oboe- 12/11/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undegrad, violin- 12/20/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, composition- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, graduate, composition- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, undergrad, piano,- 12/21 2013, email (passed)
MSM, graduate, clarinet- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, violin- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, viola- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad,piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, flute- 12/20,2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, composition- 12/20/2013 (passed)
MSM, undergrad, viola-12/20/2013,portal (passed)
NEC, undergrad, flute-12/18/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano-12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano- 12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, composition- 11/15/2013 early review,email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, graduate, violin- 12/17/2013, email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), graduate, clarinet- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad,flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad, viola- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, viola-12/19/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), graduate, clarinet-12/20/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, flute- 12/20/2013, email (passed)

<p>Just wanted to add that my S heard from NYU Steinhardt via email yesterday, he passed prescreener for undergrad VP.</p>

<p>TeamDD- it’s VP, so I’ve moved it over to the Voice Pre-Screen thread!</p>

<p>Son passed Eastman pre screen for violin performance. he got an email today. does anybody have hotel suggestions for oberlin, ohio?</p>

<p>Look on Trip Advisor, Momzie. The last time I had occasion to be inside the Oberlin Inn was 6 years ago and it was in bad need of a renovation that I don’t think has yet happened, but perhaps others would have more current info. Are you flying into Cleveland or driving? I would have different recommendations based on that answer, and if your S is also auditioning at CIM, there are other options there. Drop me a PM with your dates and particulars and we can chat.</p>

<p>BoCo, graduate, composition- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, undergrad, viola- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, graduate, viola- 12/5/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, violin- 1/2/2014, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, oboe- 12/11/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undegrad, violin- 12/20/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, composition- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, graduate, composition- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, undergrad, piano,- 12/21 2013, email (passed)
MSM, graduate, clarinet- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, violin- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, viola- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad,piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, flute- 12/20,2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, composition- 12/20/2013 (passed)
MSM, undergrad, viola-12/20/2013,portal (passed)
NEC, undergrad, flute-12/18/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano-12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano- 12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, composition- 11/15/2013 early review,email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, graduate, violin- 12/17/2013, email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), graduate, clarinet- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad,flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad, viola- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, viola-12/19/2013, email (passed)

USC (Thornton), graduate, clarinet-12/20/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, flute- 12/20/2013, email (passed)</p>

<p>We are still waiting to hear from CIM. I will PM you because I am wondering if a lot of people try to combine the two auditions and if it’s OK to tell Oberlin and CIM that that is what you are doing.</p>

<p>Hi there! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I’m the mom of a flute player – she’s heard back from University of Texas (12/16/2013, email, passed); U of Michigan (12/16, email, passed); and MSM (12/30/13, email/portal, passed). But what’s really interesting, to me at least, is that she was initially rejected by MSM on 12/20, via portal, but then received an email on 12/30 saying that the decision has been reversed and she is invited to audition live. Anyone ever heard of something like that? Was she wait-listed or something? Makes me wonder if an audition there is worth it in terms of likely acceptance.</p>

<p>I have not heard of this happening before, Nestor, but it could have been as simple as a clerical error or something like that. I was not aware that wait-listing was done for prescreening round, but I’ve stopped trying to figure out the system. However, I would say your daughter has as good of a chance as any despite the reversal, and she should dive right in and prepare for the auditions. Congrats!</p>

<p>Re:Oberlin Inn. Stayed there last summer and it was adequate but overpriced. However, the nearest hotels are in Elyria and depending on weather at least a 20 min drive. I would opt to stay at the Oberlin Inn as it is just a block from the conservatory and downtown restaurants. Easy walk.<br>
Re: combining audition trips. In the email from Mannes, they said to contact them in order to schedule auditions with other NYC schools. I have a friend who is in admissions at another music dept and she says they really are not in competition with each other. They want students to get the correct match with schools and teachers. She told me that sometimes they have even contacted the other school if they think a student would fit another school/teacher better. The only reason they ask you on the application which schools who are applying to is for marketing demographics. So I think contacting both schools would be ok. Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Momzie- I’ll wait to hear from you, but scheduling Oberlin and CIM is usually fairly easy, as in the past, one school saw kids on Saturday and the other on Sunday. For that reason, I’d avoid the Oberlin Inn at all costs- checking out the recent reviews show that it’s deteriorated even more and the management excuses the conditions by telling people that “it’s going to be completely renovated in 18 months- 2 years”. Funny, they’ve been saying that for 6 years now! For $100+/night, there are much better places.</p>

<p>Nestor14- Welcome! I’ll include your D’s`results in the list. My guess with MSM is that, when they went over their list, they realized that they didn’t have enough flute candidates on the audition list, so they pulled top students from their “optional” list and invited those. Or someone applied and accepted ED to another school and withdrew their app from MSM. Your D stands the same chance as any other applicant now as everyone starts anew- the best of luck to her!</p>

<p>BoCo, graduate, composition- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, undergrad, viola- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, graduate, viola- 12/5/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, violin- 1/2/2014, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, oboe- 12/11/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undegrad, violin- 12/20/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, composition- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, graduate, composition- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, undergrad, piano,- 12/21 2013, email (passed)
MSM, graduate, clarinet- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, violin- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, viola- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad,piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, flute- 12/20,2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, composition- 12/20/2013 (passed)
MSM, undergrad, viola-12/20/2013,portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, flute- 12/30/2013, email (passed)
U Michigan, undergrad, flute- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
NEC, undergrad, flute-12/18/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano-12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano- 12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, composition- 11/15/2013 early review,email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, graduate, violin- 12/17/2013, email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), graduate, clarinet- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad,flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad, viola- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, viola-12/19/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), graduate, clarinet-12/20/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, flute- 12/20/2013, email (passed)
Univ of Texas, undergrad, flute- 12/16/2013. email (passed)

<p>My son just received an email from Colburn and he passed the pre screen (violin). Woo hoo. He has the biggest grin on his face.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son, BCVIOLINMOM!!</p>

<p>BoCo, graduate, composition- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, undergrad, viola- 12/19/2013, email (passed)
Colburn, undergrad, violin- 1/3/2014. email (passed)
Colburn, graduate, viola- 12/5/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Eastman, undergrad, violin- 1/2/2014, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, oboe- 12/11/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undegrad, violin- 12/20/2013, email (passed)
Indiana, undergrad, composition- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, graduate, composition- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
Mannes, undergrad, piano,- 12/21 2013, email (passed)
MSM, graduate, clarinet- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, violin- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, graduate, viola- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad,piano- 12/20/2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, flute- 12/20,2013, portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, composition- 12/20/2013 (passed)
MSM, undergrad, viola-12/20/2013,portal (passed)
MSM, undergrad, flute- 12/30/2013, email (passed)
U Michigan, undergrad, flute- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
NEC, undergrad, flute-12/18/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano-12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, piano- 12/12/2013, email (passed)
Oberlin, undergrad, composition- 11/15/2013 early review,email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, graduate, violin- 12/17/2013, email (passed)
Univ. of Michigan, undergrad, flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), graduate, clarinet- 12/16/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad,flute- 12/18/2013, email (passed)
Rice (Shepherd School), undergrad, viola- 12/22/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, viola-12/19/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), graduate, clarinet-12/20/2013, email (passed)
USC (Thornton), undergrad, flute- 12/20/2013, email (passed)
Univ of Texas, undergrad, flute- 12/16/2013. email (passed)

<p>Thanks Mezzo’sMama. To all of you in the northeast, stay safe and warm.</p>