<p>So, I got notification about being considered for this Presidential Scholarship.</p>
<p>And, no offense to those financial aid people, but I feel like it's one of those things that they really try and hype up, but really, like, most of the freshman class will be "considered" but only 300 or so will actually get accepted. But then again, I"m really skeptical.</p>
<p>Can anybody tell me anything about it?
Any similar sentiments?</p>
<p>^ haha ok sorry sorry.
i was just really nervous about it and kind of freaked out and asked it wherever I could. </p>
<p>columbia: I’m just skeptical because I’m just really honored to be a finalist, but I don’t really understand why they chose me to be a finalist…</p>
<p>Stats are not everything when it comes to be picking a finalist. Some people with higher stats last year did not get picked and some people who prayed for just a small scholarship from USC so they can turn down other prestigious colleges like Duke, did not get anything last year. I don’t know the formula that they use to pick finalist, I just know it’s not all based on stats.</p>