Presidential 2018

Hoping to hear the results on the 2018 Presidential Scholarship soon. Anyone hear yet?

mommycakes I am right there with you-nothing here yet

Does anyone know if the decision comes via snail mail or email? Will students who were not selected be informed of that?

Last year the ones who received the Presidential got notified by snail mail, and around two days later the ones who did not receive the scholarship were notified by email in their portal.

PLF email notification?

Son received email today indicating that he was selected for Presidential Leaders Fellowship but it didn’t say anything about the Presidential Scholarship. We are out of town for Spring Break so not able to access snail mail.

A thick, large (8x10 or a little larger) white envelope arrived in the mail today. I’m pretty sure it’s the Presidential Scholarship! My student won’t be home until this evening so I can’t say for sure, but what else could it be?!

DS got an email today and he was not selected for the presidential, which is disappointing - but it is what it is. 35 ACT (single sitting), NMF, 4.0 UW/4.5+ W (can’t remember exact W GPA), multiple AP classes, tons of leadership in HS, ECs, focused community service, etc. But there were 400 applicants and 35 selected, so the odds were against him.

He thankfully has a similar scholarship at another institution, so he is set and we are happy. This actually made the decision a bit easier.

Congratulations to all who made it! TU is a great university and earning this scholarship is a BIG deal, so that’s awesome for those who did.

My DS received the dreaded email too. His stats pretty much match your son’s GoAskDad. We were very hopeful, so we are hurting a bit here. He has one more Presidential interview next month, but they give out only half as many as UT did so no reason to feel optimistic, I guess.

@chercheur, did your student get an email about Presidential Leader’s Fellowship separate from the Presidential envelope? Congratulations, btw or did that notification come with the Presidential big white envelope?

@ppst - I wish I could answer your question! My student won’t be home until later this evening. I will follow-up once we know what’s inside. Did anyone else get a large envelope?

Son got notification he didn’t get Presidential Scholarship. Similar stats to above, #1 in class, 35 ACT, 4.0 uw, 4.7? weighted, IB diploma candidate with 3 APs also, and he’s local. Any kid who gets it and most who didn’t are very impressive! Congrats. Thankfully, we have another full ride to consider.

No go here too. Sons stats are identical to previous posters. He did not get leaders fellowship either. Did get a little more $ in a deans scholarship. Big congrats to all who did get this scholarship! Anyone apply and hear about the Tulsa MacKay scholarship?

No word on the MacKay here. Did you get an email specifically saying your DS did NOT get the PLF? My DS received nothing on that either.

No email that I didn’t get presidential, but no envelope in the mail either. Maybe it’s coming tomorrow? :smiley:

My son’s email stated he did not get the Presidential. No word on PLF…but I think some got emails on that? Just waiting on news about MacKay, but not holding our breath here.

White envelope on way from TU via USPS delivery:) No more suspense from counselor. Who knew?

Just to follow up, the white envelope my student received yesterday was indeed the Presidential Scholarship. Along with the scholarship is automatic acceptance to the Presidential Leaders Fellowship program. There was no separate email @ppst.

The students who applied sould like amazing individuals, and I can’t imagine how they selected one over the other.

Hopefully, my DD will join your student there! @chercheur!

Just received an email saying I was selected for the Presidential Scholarship! I’m extremely grateful and feel very blessed. Best of luck to you all.