Presidential Achievement Full Tuition

<p>Has anyone received notification of this yet? Will they send rejections? I would really like to be able to put down a deposit/enroll somewhere soon, and my decision really rests on the outcome of this scholarship.</p>

<p>I interviewed for it as well and have heard nothing. The only idea I had for a time frame was a man who said they would be calling everyone the Friday after the interview… Obviously that didn’t happen. They have given out the Ignatian scholarships which people interviewed for on the second, so that probably means they have given out the Presidential ones as well. I just wish they would have sent some notification…
If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any idea what criteria they give the presidential scholarships on? My decision hinged on this scholarship as well, and it’s just so frustrating… I had a 35 on my ACT, I’ve taken the hardest classes possible, and my grades couldn’t be better. I just don’t understand…</p>

<p>I don’t know what they were really looking for, but their questions seemed to stress community service and leadership. I think they want you to be involved in things, but… then again, I have been involved in a lot of stuff (leading community service projects, extracurriculars, etc) and obviously I did not receive the award either. I agree, it is frustrating to have worked so hard for four+ years and feel like no one notices and your efforts just went down the drain because there are thousands of other kids with the same stats who are equally or more involved. But I don’t want to sound whiny, so I guess the only thing to do is to admit that I just wasn’t good enough.</p>

<p>I have really been wanting someone to say something about this! i joined this site b/c you two are now my new best friends and can hopefully answer my question!
I interviewed for both the ignation and the presidential but i haven’t heard anything. at this point its really become i don’t care if i get it i just want to know where i’m going next year (as a scholarship decision will literally be my answer). Will they tell me no ever so i can stop pretending to hope?</p>

<p>I called the Financial Aid Office yesterday to ask (because I cannot stand waiting any longer), but unfortunately was told that they were in the process of making the phone calls for presidential and we should receive answers by (or on) Friday. Personally, if I do not receive a message either way, I will be calling back on Monday. I hate to bother them, but like you guys, I really want to make a firm decision.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I do not know anything about the Ignatian scholarship.</p>

<p>Just to update, I received a letter in the mail stating my rejection for this scholarship.</p>

<p>Good luck to you guys!</p>

<p>Anybody know when the decisions are coming out ?</p>