Presidential scholarship and housing question

<p>So I got an email the other day saying I had recieved the presidential scholarship since I was first generation and such. Full tuition, fees and average room and board. WHOOT!</p>

<p>However, "average" room and board. Got a question about that. Say I want to go to some really nice housing community that is more expensive than the "average" housing cost. Could I use other grant monies, like a pell grant (which I also qualify for) or something, to cover the gap? </p>

<p>I dunno if I would even do that because I would feel like an ass for using gov't money for a luxury but I figure its worth looking into :)</p>

<p>You live whereever you are assigned. The only substantial differentiation in Freshman housing is Peddrew-Yates/Residential Leadership Community. You have to apply and it requires substantiated community service. If you did a lot of community service/leadership stuff in high school then it’s worth trying even if you’re just doing it for the dorm. However, if you generically apply for it without any real background then you probably won’t get in. </p>

<p>Also, you have to take a 3-credit class and go on a retreat, but it’s easy and counts as an elective I believe, and you become really close with your class that year as opposed to other dorms.</p>

<p>Congratulations! I got selected for that too. Wait – we can’t pick our location? I thought you could. Man, I’m pretty clueless too (as is practically everyone). I’m sure everything will be cleared up as the package/paper work comes in. </p>

<p>Have you received your package yet? I’ve only received my email.</p>

<p>The email says the package is conditional upon you accepting tech. So once I send in my papers(they extended my deadline to the 7th) it ought to go through.</p>

<p>are transfers eligible for that? i hope not because i already withdrew my app because i’m staying in state :(</p>

<p>Has anyone actually received a letter or any of the other papers that we need to sign for the Presidential Scholarship? I’ve been selected for the scholarship but I’m still waiting for the details and whatnot.</p>

<p>All I got was an email that said it was condional upon my acceptance. So they said I should fill out the response form and state I was a presidential recipient, thus waiving the matriculation fee. I assume/d that filling out the response form with indication of being a recipient is all you need. I mean what else can “conditional upon acceptance” mean?</p>

<p>Oh ok, thanks. I was curious about forms / letters because I was notified about the scholarship after I matriculated so I couldn’t indicate that I was a recipient on my response.</p>

<p>Are there any specific scholarships for URM’s. Especially those going to engineering?</p>

<p>Yes there are. I figure most of them will be through the general engineering application but you can look up the society for whatever race you are (NSBE is for Black engineers, for example) and see if they’ve got separate applications.</p>

<p>My S is a junior now and he is considering to apply to VTech. We are OOS, in TN, and hispanic. Only way we can afford it is by grabbing one of these Presidential Scholarships. Right now he is siting on a 31 ACT, 3.6 GPA UW with the URM hispanic hook. I don’t know what are his chances could be but it is nice to know about these scholarships.</p>

<p>I’ll talk to him about visitng the campus this summer or fall.</p>

<p>Any other info will be appreciated it.</p>

<p>GoOakland, congratulations!!! I work with a lot of VTech grads (mainly ChemE’s) and they are top notch.</p>

<p>I’m a recipient of the Virginia Tech Presidential scholarship this year, and I could not be more grateful. I’m hoping for a spot in Cochrane. This scholarship was the biggest blessing I’ve ever experienced.</p>

<p>To lapagan: I believe that one of the conditions for the scholarship is to be a Virginia resident.</p>