Presidential Scholarship Probation

<p>Hello, I’m a current junior with a cumulative gpa slightly north of 3.5. However, this semester has been pretty rough and I’ll probably be just short of the 3.0 for this semester. I was wondering does scholarship probation look at individual semester grades, or cumulative (at which case I’d be fine). </p>


<p>First of all, nothing will get looked at til after spring grades. I think your cum GPA will be what’s looked at then. I think it’s the total cum, not just the cum for the year…but others can chime in.</p>

<p>What are you taking next semester? If you get a stronger GPA in the spring, you should be fine, right? </p>

<p>IIRC, UA looks at ones cumulative GPA each semester starting with ones second semester. This way, incoming freshman won’t be penalized for having a hard transition to college life.</p>

<p>The requirement to keep your scholarship is a 3.0 cumulative GPA at UA. Transfer credits aren’t included. Getting a sub-3.0 GPA one semester is not going to put a student on probation unless that semester’s GPA is low enough to bring their cumulative GPA below 3.0. </p>

<p>Still, use this semester as a reason to learn how to better manage your time and improve your grades. It’s okay that you didn’t get the best grades this semester. Things happen.</p>

<p>Good luck with finals!</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone for the responses. As far as classes this semester, I am studying abroad next semester so I chose to double up on harder engineering (mech.) classes to keep myself on track for graduation. In hindsight, I overloaded myself and I learned quite a bit about time management this semester. As next semester is abroad, I’m not horribly worried about my GPA next semester, as I am taking mostly gen ed classes overseas, so I hope this can help boost my GPA back up. I feel much better knowing that it’s cumulative GPA that is looked at for scholarship (which I will definitely work very hard to get back up for the next two years).</p>

<p>Thanks again everyone! :)</p>