Presidential Scholarship-Whats not covered?

<p>My son has visited Alabama and been admitted to the HC. He is a NMSF and it appears will likely make Finalist. Test scores and GPA high enough to qualify for Presidential Scholarship. I have looked at what the Scholarship includes but was wondering what is not included…books? Other fees? Can someone give me an example of other costs they had that were not covered by the Scholarship. Obviously, the Scholarship is very geneorus but just wondering what other costs to anticipate.

<p>The “Presidential” scholarship is the one he would get if he DIDN’T get finalist status. If you haven’t received a rejection letter by now, he’s most likely a finalist. Semifinalists get the Presidential, which covers only full tuition. Since your son will likely be a finalist, he’ll get the NMF package, which includes full tuition, housing, 1k stipend per year, 2k for studying abroad in the summer, and an iPad. Everything else (books, course fees, parking permits, meal plans) is not covered.</p>

<p>The NMF scholarship is DIFFERENT from the Presidential. the NMF is larger!!</p>

<p>the Presidential is for tuition only.</p>

<p>Since your son will likely make NMF (since rejection letters went out 2 weeks ago), your son will get:</p>

<p>NMF scholarship</p>

<p>Free tuition
Free housing - including the honors 4 bedroom Super Suites…each kid gets a private bedroom
$1k per year
$2k for study abroad or summer research.

<p>Not covered:</p>

course fees (which can be covered by the $1k per year above)

<p>What is your child’s major? If it’s engineering or Comp Sci, then he gets an additional 2500 per year.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. I was looking at the info on the Undergraduate Scholarships page and mixed things up with the NMF and Presidential Scholarship . I saw where he would be eligible for items you identified assuming NMF. Quite a generous package. Meals, books and fees would be much easier to handle than the price at some of the other schools where he has applied.</p>

<p>NMF son uses the $2500 engr. scholarship to offset meal plan costs. The engr. scholarship and the $1k National Merit award are credited to his account as follows: half is deposited in the first semester, and the remaining half in the second semester. </p>

<p>The $1k is divided up as a $500 credit, appearing usually around late Sept./Oct., and the remaining $500 appearing in late Jan./Feb. The $1k award takes care of course fees. </p>

<p>Any leftover account balance at the end of the semester is sent as a check to the student which may be used towards the purchase of books for the following semester.</p>

<p>Can I ask about the Presidential scholarship, do all kids who get a 30 or more on the ACT automatically qualify for this, or are numbers limited like other scholarships? </p>

<p>Can you stack other scholarships with this one?</p>


<p>30 ACT guarantees an in state student the Presidential Scholarship or a 32 for out of state. Yes, scholarships may be stacked, but you will find some will exclude you because you have the Presidential.</p>

<p>Thanks for your prompt reply, that’s very helpful.</p>

<p>Is this type of scholarship common? I’m still reading up on things for my kids (we have a few years yet!) and I am originally from the UK where scholarships of any kind are virtually non existent, we live in MS.</p>

<p>From a cursory look at various colleges most seem to be competitive (don’t know if that’s what you call them) where you need to submit essays and the like and the numbers of scholarships are limited.</p>

<p>The UA is in a growth phase, and according to President Whitt, this is part of the reason for the generous scholarships. Auburn, for instance, no longer offers full tuition and their scholarships are NOT guaranteed. Many of the schools we looked at were competitive with scholarships rather than guaranteed. I think the UA is smart to have the guaranteed scholarship program because it does draw students who might not consider the UA if they also had to compete. That’s my feeling anyway.</p>

<p>*Is this type of scholarship common? I’m still reading up on things for my kids (we have a few years yet!) and I am originally from the UK where scholarships of any kind are virtually non existent, we live in MS.</p>


<p>No. These kinds of scholarships are NOT common. And, I think Bama is the highest ranked school that gives out these kinds of assured scholarships for stats.</p>

<p>If you have the stats, then you get the scholarship (if you apply by Dec 1st).</p>

<p>30 ACT guarantees an in state student the Presidential Scholarship or a 32 for out of state.</p>

<p>Yes…or a 1330 SAT (M+CR) for instate, or 1400 SAT (M+CR) for OOS.</p>

<p>However, if you major in Engineering or Comp Sci, then the Col of Eng’g bumps the scholarship up to full tuition plus 2500 per year.</p>

<p>…even for the National Merit kids?</p>

<p>Bama does NOT require FAFSA for consideration of scholarships.</p>

<p>If you have the stats and meet the req’ts, then you get the scholarship…no matter how much you earn. </p>

<p>No FAFSA required.</p>

<p>Bama only used FAFSA to determine “need-based” aid.</p>

<p>Not having to complete the FAFSA was the icing on the cake for us!</p>