<p>So, i had a good time at preview day. Really enjoyed the student panel presentations and the chancellor speak as well. Seeing the campus just made me even more excited about Davis, been looking at it for a while now. After this trip it just confirmed it as my number one choice. It put to rest those accusations of “theres nothing to do in Davis, blah blah blah…” That was my only concern but theres actually plenty of things to do. In my opinion, anyway. </p>
<p>After we went to Burgers & Brew. GREAT burgers and food overall. Definetly recommend it. After that we got to check out the homecoming game. It was really cool to see the Aggie Pack in full swing. One of the reasons why i want to attend Davis. I want to be some where, where the students take great pride in where they go & and i definetly got the sense of it from the game. Overall the trip to Davis was well worth it. Did anybody else go to preview day??</p>
<p>P.S. It didnt smell like manure at all…just smells like, AGGIE Pride!! Bahaha! ;D</p>
<p>I took my daughter and her friend to Preview Day. We spent the night downtown at Hallmark Inn. We absolutely LOVE the downtown area. So many cute eateries and stores. I love all the trees and older homes down there. And, it’s especially convenient being so close to the campus.</p>
<p>Myself, I thought the campus was very pretty. Again, lots of trees. Trouble is, we had trouble finding a couple places and ended up walking more than we needed to. Our feet were killing us. My daughter and her friends are such wimps.
I told them this is why most of the students have BIKES! Well, I did make them walk over to the Arboretum. A bicycle would have been perfect.</p>
<p>My daughter is fairly picky about how she wants her campus buildings to look. Sigh. She seems to gravitate toward the “ivy league-older brick or limestone architecture”. But, you don’t get a lot of that look in California. Oh, sure University of the Pacific is gorgeous! BUT, Stockton is NOT Davis. Cal Poly, for instance—she likes the town of San Luis Obispo, but doesn’t care for the campus structures or campus lay out. I think she really needs to spend the weekend or night ON a campus with a student who can show her around.</p>
<p>I dropped them off at the Homecoming game at halftime. The score was 38-0 then! (Davis). She said it was nice, but again—she looks too much for the negatives and didn’t see “many kids who looked like someone she would hang out with”. Arrrghhh! They even walked by some Frat houses on Russell Blvd. after the game, but said they were dark. Sheesh. I told her it might have been too soon after the game! </p>
<p>Anyway…I agree with you—UC Davis looks like a great school. It just seems very homey, even though it’s large. I really feel that the town, itself, helps to give it a friendly atmosphere. We live in Santa Cruz and I can tell you that we don’t have the same good relationship with The City On the Hill! (UCSC.)</p>
<p>Good luck with UCD!</p>