<p>With lots of Ivies' EA/ED decisions underway as of this week, the college admissions process is almost over--but the wait till April is just beginning. Just thought it would be a good idea to start a thread where Princeton 2014 hopefuls can talk and countdown together till Decision Day! :)</p>
<p>So let the chatter begin! :D</p>
<p>I'll start:
Anybody applied yet and gotten an interview?</p>
<p>Nice idea.
I’ve applied already, but I haven’t gotten an interview yet. When do they usually occur? I live in Colorado, if that matters. I have a feeling we have enough alumni here to interview, though. I applied at Yale as well (SCEA), and my interview was about a month ago. It went pretty well.</p>
<p>Where else did you apply?</p>
<p>Hey everyone! I just submitted my app…it’s a good feeling. (Now, it’ll be a better one if I get in. ^__^) Since my application was recently sent I haven’t been contacted for a interview yet, but I think I’ll get one. A student at my school got one last year with an alum who lives only a few blocks away from school.</p>
<p>Yale SCEA for me too. A smart move, I guess. Even a Princeton adcom said so. ^<strong>^ But I never got a Yale interview…T</strong>T</p>
<p>You know, we’re probably applying to just about the same schools.</p>
<p>It’s funny how all of us so far have applied to Yale SCEA
So I’m just waiting to see how that turns out, then I’ll apply to (a lot) more if I don’t get in. </p>
<p>It’s kind of weird, because I sent in my Princeton and Harvard apps on the same day (later Oct) and I already had a Harvard interview. No word from Princeton though. And my Yale one was about a week after I submitted. Maybe my region doesn’t have interviewers? Hmmm…</p>
<p>So is Princeton your guys’ first choice? Or Yale? Or somewhere else? lol <–Part of the reason I started this is to prepare for Yale deferral/rejection. I’ll have another thread to look forward to and move on from Yale, haha.</p>
<p>We might as well just wait for Yale to come out, and the people who don’t get in/still want to apply to other schools can crash at Harvard and Princeton.</p>
<p>Yeah, I applied too. Nice to see some familiar faces on this thread :D</p>
<p>^^^ Princeton, Harvard, and Yale are equally my top choices. But hopefully if Jesus doesn’t want to wreak his wrath upon my future then I’ll get into at least one of the three… :)</p>
<p>Guess I’ll break the trend, then. Not applying to Yale!</p>
<p>^ did you apply anywhere early?</p>
<p>darkblademaster: U Chicago</p>
<p>When do you find out about Chicago?</p>
<p>Should be around the 15th, if I recall correctly. If only early apps hadn’t increased by 54%…</p>
<p>oh wow. haha, good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks! Best of luck to everyone else with Yale!</p>
<p>Hello Yale EA people. Nice to see some familiar faces :).</p>
<p>And Hello non-Yale EA person.</p>
<p>By the way, are we supposed to receive an account or something for Princeton once our apps are in?</p>
<p>wow, lotsa yale EA people here! that’s interesting. i agree that we’re all probably applying to the exact same schools…</p>
<p>I got an email from Princeton saying all my materials were in, but I think on the website it says accounts won’t be available till Jan. or some later date.</p>
<p>Woohoo I’m glad so many SCEA people are on here! And non SCEA people
This should just become our thread of choice if (god forbid) we don’t get into Yale in two days. :D</p>
<p>I keep switching back and forth from Yale and Princeton as my first choice. Absolutely adore P-ton’s campus, but I love <em>everything</em> about Yale except New Haven. Hmmm…maybe I’ll get rejected from both and not even have to worry, lol.</p>
<p>“This should just become our thread of choice if (god forbid) we don’t get into Yale in two days.”</p>
<p>So true. :)</p>
<p>I got an account from Princeton.</p>