Princeton App Essays

<p>I have a question about the two essays. I wrote my longer essay on the "favorite quotation" prompt and my shorter essay on the "Princeton in the Nation's Service" prompt. Is this okay? When I go to print preview my online application though, in the essay check box area, it has "Princeton in the Nation's Service" with a 1. by it and the favorite quotation one with a 2. by it. Is this just because the service one comes above the favorite quotation one? I can still write my first, longer essay on the favorite quotation, right? Or not...?</p>



<p>yes, of course you can choose the length for each of them.</p>

<p>so it doesn't matter if the online app lists the "favorite quotation" prompt as (2.), I can still use it as my first essay?</p>

<p>Wait...I thought there was only one essay for princeton???<br>
It says :Please select one of the two themes.</p>

<p>if you use the Common App you only have one additional essay on the Princeton supplement. I'm talking about the Princeton app, where you have to write a 500 and a 300 word one.</p>

<p>ah nevermind i contacted the admissions office and got it straightened out.</p>