Princeton App vs. Common App?!

<p>When looking through the Princeton paper app versus the Common App supplement online, I noticed there are some disparities... Namely, an extra essay and an "optional recommendation". Should I follow the Common App supplement, or mail in the extra essay?</p>

<p>If you want to do the common app, do everything on that one and that’s it; if you want to do the princeton application, do everything on that one, and that’s it</p>

<p>i would advise against overlapping application portions; and princeton doesn’t care which one you send in; if you have 10 common app schools and you don’t want to fill out an extra application, do common app; if you want to do the princeton app, go for it</p>

<p>i personally favor the common app; and it’s virtually the same as the princeton app… i have a copy of the princeton app in front of me, and looking through it, any additional information that the princeton app may ask for that common app may not can be put in your additional information section for the common application</p>

<p>just choose one, it really doesn’t matter which app you want to do; but whichever one you choose, don’t include segments from the other app –> stick with either the common app + supplement or the princeton application, not a mix of both</p>

<p>The additional essay asked for in the Princeton App is not a part of the Common App essay because they already see your Common App essay, so they’re getting two essays with either app. If you’re doing the Common App, I would not suggest sending in another essay.</p>

<p>I originally planned on sending the Princeton App, so I just gave my teachers and GC supplementary materials from the Princeton App. You think they’ll be irritated if I send in the Common App?</p>

<p>ssethi, I asked the PU admission office the exact question you just posed, through email. I did the same thing - originally planned on sending the Princeton app but decided on the Common App. Their reply was “no” - that this is perfectly acceptable.</p>

thanks a lot itsasmallworld. made my life so much easier</p>