Princeton Financial Aid Supplement??? WHAt???

<p>So. I just found out that they have this. And it was apparently due at the beginning of February. If I don't have this in, in the slim chance that I do get some happy news in April, does that mean I have limited prospects of getting financial aid??</p>

<p>Penn apparently had a similar form and decided to extend the deadline - does anyone know of Princeton did this too?</p>

<p> I rightly freaking out about this, or am I just being a complete paranoid? D:</p>

<p>uh oh…dang…I need to get on those two! >.<</p>

<p>Wait, what? Where is it located on the website?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I also sent in the Financial Aid form very late. I emailed the office and the person who got back to me said that there was no penalty for sending a late form, and that I would still receive aid.</p>

<p>I suggest you fill it out immediately, though.</p>

<p>Oh, sweet, I did that awhile back. PHEW. For a second, I was terrified. :O</p>

<p>I probably won’t be able to get financial aid; do I still need to fill this out?</p>