Princeton REA Submission (7 Sec Late)

When I submitted my Princeton writing supplement, it did not go through until two minutes later, so ended up submitting it three times in a hurry. The third time it went through, displaying 11:58 as my submission time, but when I checked the website a couple of minutes later, it now displays my submission as 7 seconds late. I have the confirmation email that shows that I submitted it at 11:58 — should I forward this to the Princeton AOs?

Thanks for the help!

I think you’re fine. I would call tomorrow rather than submitting anything. Explain the situation to the admissions rep and see what they say. If they say they need the 11:58 pm confirmation, you can then send it to them. No matter what, I sure hope that they would give someone a seven second grace period.

Please let us know what they say. This certainly will be helpful information to someone in the future.

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There was nobody sitting in the admissions office at midnight directing all late applications to the trash can. Nor is there any algorithm set up to automatically do this. It’s fine.

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I would call. I have found in the past that colleges can be sticklers about deadlines, so do not assume that it is OK because you have an email. The school will go off what their system says.


It would be nice if all schools were this clear but Cornell is in bold type asking people not to call.