<p>It says my status is now principal, everything has been turned in and I got a 'conditional' letter in the mail yesterday. Do I just need to wait now until I get the official letter to sign or what?</p>
<p>Just a word from our experience: We felt like we were on a rollercoaster ride for about a year. Every time we thought we had jumped the last hurdle another quickly came up. I can't count the number of phone calls I made to family to say we were all set only to find out there was more work to be done. I don't know what "principle" status is but I doubt very much you are 100% "in". Just pat yourself on the back for every step closer you get. I don't suggest you relax until you get your official letter of appointment. Good Luck!!</p>
<p>Principal is GOOD!</p>
<p>Search this section and read all about what "principal" means.</p>
<p>Sounds like all you need is the MOC nomination and an appointment will be en route.</p>
<p>Thanks guys.</p>
<p>I ended up signing my official appointment letter tonight!</p>
<p>Congratulations! Now, go learn all the calculus, physics and chemistry you can between now and July. It will be time well spent.</p>
<p>Dude, I currently go here, but life here sucks. i was like u about a year ago, all excited and proud but it isnt what i expected. I am rooming with bigest d-back in the world and yea u will soon realize how life sucks here.</p>
Dude, I currently go here, but life here sucks. i was like u about a year ago, all excited and proud but it isnt what i expected. I am rooming with bigest d-back in the world and yea u will soon realize how life sucks here.
<p>Wow, I remember you were pretty excited to get your appointment and report to USMMA, hard to believe that in only 4 months you are so down on it.</p>
<p>What happened to change your attitude so quickly?</p>
<p>Is it just “life” at Kings Point that sucks, (understandable, as freshman/plebe/4c year can suck almost anywhere) or are you completely unhappy with USMMA as your choice of college?</p>
<p>Life is what you make of it. Maybe if you saw how bad the current job market is for regular college graduates you might appreciate what Kings Point gives you once you graduate.</p>
in all honesty, no one wants to hear it. get over yourself man. it isn’t as bad as you think. it’s different because you actually have to grow up a little bit and take care of business for yourself.
is KP hard? absolutely. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve wanted to throw in the towel and go to a “normal” college. we all have those days.
back to my point, and i think this is also why they should NOT have recruits stay with plebes. you know nothing of this school yet. you haven’t been there even to thanksgiving yet. my goodness son! </p>
<p>can you please explain to me the great satisfaction after being recognized? </p>
<p>or how about seeing all your friends ring the bell at the end of license and the overall sense of joy that overwhelms the school? </p>
<p>or how about walking down the war memorial path with your date on your arm headed towards the water front for June Ball? </p>
<p>how about the first time you set foot on a ship and the amount of responsibility you’re handed on your first day?</p>
<p>how about stories from your travels all over the world and how funny those memories are now? </p>
<p>can you explain to me the sense of loss felt when you see more and more of your friends leave throughout the year, or better yet, those that never come back from sea? </p>
<p>no, you can’t. </p>
<p>i’m not one to rub anything into anyone’s face but bottom line is your experience at KP thus far is nowhere near representative of this school or the regiment as a whole. so in all honesty who are you to tell anyone what life at KP is like? </p>
<p>you need to realize that KP is a brotherhood. we stick together, we fight for each other. if you were expecting to party every night then you shouldn’t have come here in the first place! </p>
<p>i have my issues with KP, same as everyone else; however, what happens in house says that way. just like if you had a fight with your brother. if someone is just starting to be friends with your brother do you go and tell them what a horrible person your brother is? no. you stick up for him.
if you don’t like us then by all means, go home. no one is forcing you to stay. </p>
<p>with that, to all the 2013 kids, good luck! bottom line is don’t listen to bitter plebes, they can’t see the forest through the trees. this place is tough and will push you to your limits but if i can do it, you can do it. </p>
<p>acta non verba my dear TLS-- put your money where your mouth is.</p>
<p>My sons status just changed from “conditional” to “principal” today. Under nomination it says “yes”…not sure who nominated him yet but I’m happy that it is done! Already been cleared by DoDmerb, I think he is good to go.</p>
You are absolutely correct it does suck (KP is hard and the food is bad)
The Mids that were just set-back (because of grades or health issues) last week will also agree with your statement. HOWEVER!! Almost every one of the set-backs are begging to come back. Most of them, if not all of them, will be enrolling in public colleges taking physics, calculus and chemistry just to prove they are good enough to return. When they do return in July 2009, they will repeat the entire Plebe year (without Indoc) and will most likely need to retake the classes they took in public college(because they will not receive credit for them).
I read a quote from a USMMA 08 grad. He said Kings Point is 4 years of hell and a lifetime of pleasure.
My Mid hates it (KP) every single day he is there. But according to him if it does not kill me, it will only help me. When he is home on breaks his cell phones explodes from his buddies from KP. They all complain, but none want to leave and they cant wait to get back.
So if you think youre having a bad time, think of those who are not there.</p>
<p>My son was home from break and has gained 10 lbs since arriving at indoc in July. The food can’t be that bad! Is KP tough, yes it is he says, but it’s everything he expected. Will you get a 4+GPA like you did in High School…probably not! But you can do well. Son found out that all his buds in High School and college haven’t changed much and it wasn’t that much fun. KP Is the place to be! </p>
<p>“Naval Academy…the place to go when you can’t handle the KP Academics!”
Said with a friendly attitude</p>
<p>RE The Food
I was invited on several occasions to have a meal with the midshipmen of KP. Three times with Admiral Stewart and on other occasions with my Mid. Unless you were eating at a catered event in Melville, the food isn’t very good. If you want better food one should go to Air Force (said with a smile).<br>
My Mid doesn’t talk to his high school friends, and only communicates with his prep school (attending all of the academies) and his KP buddies.</p>
<p>Very well said is2day… I don’t think any of us parents can say what you did, which came from the heart and from one who has lived the life. Us mom’s and dad’s only know what we “observe” from the outside. My observation is that the bonds of friendship and “fraternity” that are made though the years at KP more than outweigh some of the harshness of the experience.</p>
<p>Again, I would say to any new “principals candidates,” please listen to what is2day said and don’t make decisions about Kings Point from the posting of one disgruntled plebe.</p>
<p>and by the way, my son actually does not mind the food at Delano…it’s all about your attitude :)</p>
<p>My plebe D hates the food. She complains a lot. But if you ask her why she stays, she will tell you that she likes it there. Sometimes I think that complaining is a competitive sport at KP.</p>
<p>Yes it’s hard. Yes, at times it sucks. But she expected that and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else right now. Not all plebes are bitter.</p>
<p>i know not all plebes are bitter, but some are. as are some mids for that matter. i just didn’t want this 2013 hopeful to base their opinion of how the school is on one poorly written jab against the place, that’s all.
yes complaining is a sport, we all do it.
the good outweighs the bad, otherwise no one would stay. your daughter will see just how excited everyone gets the friday after license. there is not a single happier moment on campus that i can think of.
graduation is great, but that’s for the family’s sake mainly
but license, that’s the Mid’s goal, that’s the gauntlet they must pass through to be a true Kings Pointer.
you’ll see. it’s pretty spectacular</p>
<p>tlswogh89, so you are a plebe with just four months under your belt. Many plebes feel that way, then things turn around. The academics are hard, you are getting a four year degree in three years so you can travel for a year. We see these former plebes when they got to sea for the first time, and watch their confidence and pride build as they come back with their experiences. We see them as they go the second time to travel the world, and the determination to graduate when they come back. Then we see these former plebes, who wanted to quit, graduate with a pride and excitement that we don’t see at other schools. The comradship among the alumni is amazing.</p>
<p>Come over to Cookie Cafe and we will talk. My husband, a KP grad, a mariner, and in the maritime field for his career, will listen then help you see the broader, more long term picture.</p>
<p>Like said before, KP isn’t for the free-flying, do whatever you want person. It will hit you in the gut and leave a sour taste in your mouth, but my 6 trimesters and 4 months at sea are so far worth it. None of my friends can say that they have done the things I have or seen the places I’ve seen. Or for some people, I bet none of your friends can say that they’ll graduate and be making upwards of $100,000 at the age of 22. </p>
<p>Since having time off before my 8 months of sea (that starts this week), I have experienced “normal” college life. I’ve gone to 3 different schools (Slippery Rock, Texas Tech, and West Virginia) and went to parties and did the things “normal” college students did. And at the end of the weekend my friends asked me if I would change where I went to school. And that answer is a big ecstatic NO! </p>
<p>For the plebes reading this, after plebe year you’ll continue to look back have the “remember when” moments and you’ll be able to laugh at them and remember when it happened. You’ll have stories to tell your children and grandchildren or pictures to show them. </p>
<p>It’s all worth it. Don’t let people tell you otherwise. I’m sure I’m not the only one that will tell you this.</p>
<p>Rower…I have a 3C son whose sentiments are identical and he hasn’t even gone to sea yet. Holding over for his first sea year trip to the Far East, he visited 7 colleges last week to see his friends to include W&M, VCU, Richmond, HPU, West Chester, Lehigh, Villanova - went to a party almost every night. Even so, he said he could not imagine being anywhere else but KP. It was all about the people really. Second to that, he’s excited to get out of the classroom and out into the field for some hands on learning. Breaking up 4 years of classroom sitting with experiential and travel opportunities is perfect for him. You always want more for your child and KP is certainly providing that for him and me in so many ways. GO KP!!</p>