<p>George Washington asks for a list of other colleges to which applicants are applying. It doesn't say optional, yet having a large list with more prestigious schools can't but hurt my chances significantly.</p>
<p>It says in paranthesis that it "won't influence our admissions decision," but if it has NO effect, then why ask? I am venting, any other thoughts?</p>
<p>I thought that it was for their research purposes, e.g. to see what colleges they are competing with directly. Doesn't make it any less invasive, if you ask me.</p>
<p>it seems like it must affect something indirectly -- if you have a list of 10 other schools including all the ivies they'll probably look at your app somewhat differently</p>
<p>i bet u $5 if u have like amzing stats and ur applying 2 ivy's they'll reject u b/c GW has a rep 4 rejecting peeps for whom gw would be a safety</p>
<p>I agree with you as well - it is annoying/mildly offensive, and i don't know if i believe that they ignore it in making admissions decisions. I am one of those people who applied to 11 other schools (some of them more prestigious than GW), and after talking to a few people about it, I decided just to list a few schools (4 or 5), and none that were blatently more competative/prestigious than GW. I think I put my state school, another school in DC (less competative than GW), 2 small LACs, and maybe one other.</p>
<p>I just put... "I prefer to not respond" or something like that... IMO if that question has no relevance as far as decisions go, why ask in the first place? </p>