Private Voice Lessons

<p>Do MT students with Voice Emphasis get private voice lessons all four years? If yes, how long is each lesson? Do they have to pay extra for them? How in-depth is the acting training? How rigorous are the academics? Any information would be greatly appreciated. </p>

<p>Also to add to Ikemom–son is worried about connections and working after graduation. Love Sean Kelley but that is all we know! Is Senior Showcase a show or are the students meeting with agents and casting directors directly? Is it in Chicago or NYC or both? Thanks for all your help–CC has been the best resource around!!</p>

<p>They’re very connected in Chicago. The showcase is in Chicago, but most of the big Chicago-based agencies have NY and LA offices, too. Upperclassmen frequently work (and get paid and get college credit) at Chicago theaters while still in school. My S, a freshman, has an acting internship this summer with a Chicago-area festival which he got through connections with CCPA. (He was also asked to audition for another show for the summer because of a CCPA alum connection.) Another girl he knows (also a freshman) just signed a contract for midwestern summer stock. </p>

<p>Sean Kelley just sent around a list of top-rated Chicago-area musicals with CCPA students and grads in it, which I am appending below: </p>


<p>Chicago Magazine announces the “Eight Best Musicals in Chicago this month,” which is PACKED with CCPA students/alums! Get out there, go to a show, and enjoy our students’ successes!</p>

<p>Dessa Rose at Bailiwick Chicago
Gilbert Domally, current MT student
Pavi Proczko, MT Alum
David Schlumpf, MFA Alum</p>

<p>Rent at Paramount Theatre
Sawyer Smith, MT Alum
Kasey ALfonso, MT Alum
Aaron Conklin, MT Alum
Adrienne Walker, MM Alum</p>

<p>Young Frankenstein at Drury Lane Oakbrook
Travis Taylor, MT Alum</p>

<h2><a href=“The Eight Best Musicals in Chicago This Month – Chicago Magazine”>The Eight Best Musicals in Chicago This Month – Chicago Magazine;

<p>We have had nothing but good experiences with CCPA, especially in regard to the training and professional development opportunities. </p>

<p>Thank you so much jkellynh17! Makes me feel so much better and will have son read!! Just a lot of nerves waiting to hear!!</p>

<p>My son is super happy there. Feel free to pm me if you have more questions. (S is acting not MT, so I don’t know about the singing.)</p>

<p>My D is a freshman MT-voice emphasis student. First semester they have ensemble singing class. At the end of the first semester they are assigned to a private voice teacher. For the rest of their time there, they have 1 hour per week of private voice, no extra charge. The only thing class-wise we have encountered that is an extra charge is if they elect to take additional dance when they are taking 18 hours of class. For example, D is at 18 hours so she pays for the (optional) modern dance class she takes on Saturdays. Her friend tested out of keyboarding so takes less than 18 hours, and her “extra” dance class is part of her tuition. Does that make sense?</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the replies. They really help. Could you also give me an idea of the size of the theatre program? I’ve heard different things. We want to compare the programs S’s been accepted to and size is a factor. Thanks!</p>

<p>This year’s freshman class has 27 voice, 17 dance and 13 acting. (I’m pretty sure) The upper classes are smaller, but don’t know exact #s. Dance is new this year. </p>

<p>They have guaranteed casting each semester. Freshman year they have a fall and spring showcase. Fall was the whole class and spring each specialty has its own show. Starting sophomore year they enter the general casting pool. Every student auditions at the beginning of the semester for all the shows (both musicals and plays)</p>

<p>They are planning to add a second musical to each semester starting next year, so 4 musicals per year.</p>

<p>30 hours of tech is required per semester over and above their classes.</p>

<p>You are welcome to PM me as well.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. I misspoke in my earlier post and I don’t want to cause a stir! We have not gotten an acceptance from Roosevelt! I’m just putting together a pros and cons list and wanted to include Roosevelt as it’s one of his top choices. I hope I didn’t cause too many heart attacks! :)>- </p>

<p>No heart attack here.:)</p>

<p>The lack of private voice lessons the first semester is concerning to me. Does anyone know what the reasoning behind that is? Has this proven to be the detriment I believe it would be, and, if not, why? Also, is there an option to take private voice that semester if one desires, and have it be included in the tuition? I just can’t imagine going to school to be educated as a triple threat, especially in a voice emphasis program, and not having one-on-one voice lessons even for one semester. Otherwise, this looks like a great program; my D loves the variety of theatre courses offered.</p>

<p>I imagine, since the voice teachers are teaching the ensemble class, that they are taking the time to get to know the kids and their voices, because at the end of the class they are assigned to their voice teachers. D loves her VT and didn’t really have an issue with the ensemble class. There was some individual teaching done in that class as well as by the head of MT who taught their MT lab and directed their fall showcase. Plus there is benefit in learning to sing well in an ensemble, both vocal benefit and developing a bond with your classmates.</p>

<p>They take 18 hours a semester and I believe anything they take over that amount is extra tuition. However, if your child tests out of say keyboarding, or music theory, or a gen ed, other classes can be substituted without added cost. I don’t know if private voice can be added though, you’d have to ask. They are SO busy that first semester I don’t know if my D would have added another thing.</p>

<p>Thank you, austinmt. That’s helpful! It’s good to know they get individualized attention during that time.</p>