<p>So I am writing an essay that is about a magazine article. I'm supposed to mention where it came from and I forgot which things are underlinded/italicized/whatever.</p>
<p>Which do I do with the title of the magazine?</p>
<p>Which do I do with the title of the article?</p>
<p>When you take a direct quote out of something, are you supposed to put "these" around the sentance and then cite it?</p>
<p>I feel so dumb for asking those questions.....</p>
<p>i totally forgot. In AP English we do absolutely ZERO expository papers. Every single essay WE WRITE IS JUST ANALYTICAL. i SHOULD PROBABLY BRUSH UP BEFORE COLLEGE.</p>
<p>sorry.. didn't notice i was on caps and din't want to rewrite</p>
<p>I think I figured that part out, but now I have a new problem. I want to take a statement that was quoted in a article and quote it in my essay. How would I go about doing that? Would I just put it in quotations and then at the end say "Bob Smith said in Teen Vogue"?</p>
<p>I think the proper format would be to have the quotation, then after it put in parenthesis the author's last name and page of the magazine. (This is MLA citation format.)</p>
<p>Or, you could write the quotation and put a footnote after it, so that at the bottom of the page all the information (article, author, and magazine) would appear.</p>