problems problems

<p>if i get a 2.67 second semester senior year, will my direct admission into kelley be rescinded???</p>

<p>and does anyone in kelley ugrad use macs?</p>

<p>Don’t know about the first question. Some people in Kelley do use macs, but it is a minority (I would estimate about 1/3).</p>

<p>do finance and accounting majors have any problems using macs? anyone have any ideas on this?</p>

<p>thanks for the help!</p>

<p>A lot of people I knew in Kelley had Macs. But they are an absolute pain in the ass for K201/K204 and X201/X202. You have to go to a school computer or borrow somebodies PC every single time you need to do homework, which is pretty much every night. So, you will basically have to find a PC everyday for a year. You can pay 20 dollars and install boot camp and be fine, though. One of my friends did that and she had no trouble on her mac. However, I definitely recommend getting UITS to install bootcamp. A lot of people I know didn’t and had trouble with it, my friend who went to UITS had it done in a day.
Definitely up to you with which path you take. All will work.</p>