Process for finding a freshman roommate

<p>My son has decided to attend UM, and we are sending in the deposit. How does the process work for finding a suitable roommate? Thanks in advance for any information.</p>

<p>Try looking for a roommate at “<a href=“”></a>”.</p>

<p>UM will have your son complete an online survey. It will ask things like if he is a morning or a night person, neat or messy, music preference and so on. He will then receive profiles of other students with similar preferences. He will be able to contact them with a UM email and figure out if they might be compatible. My son did this last year and it worked out so well they have decided to live together next year too! I believe some students may use the class facebook page also. Congrats and good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks very much.</p>

My son will make his decision to go with UM or not in the coming week so if he does I’ll PM you and they can decide if they want to communicate from there.</p>

<p>I’m most likely going to Miami next year and I still need a roommate. Have you son contact me, if that’s O.K with you.</p>