<p>I did something very similar with my summer reading. Problem: my assigned books were not quite as "gripping" as Uncle Tom's Cabin. I wouldn't exactly call them page-turners haha. One of them was Carnage and Culture, some historical analysis book. Pretty intense. Another one was less thorough, but still fairly boring: The Times and Trials of Anne Hutchinson. I also finished the night/morning before school :D</p>
<p>CC is a ridiculous sample for this kind of survey. Here is an outlier for you guys.</p>
<p>Procrastination: 1000
GPA UW: 0.5. GPA W: 5.0 (1st in class)
Class rank: 799/800 (our school does uw ranking)</p>
<p>But seriously, my procrastination level is probably 20 our of a scale of 1-10. No kidding. I procrastinate so much that I finish my homework right before teacher collects in class. But I am number 3 in school in terms of weighted gpa. =)</p>
<p>procrastination level: infinity out of 10
I'm a huuuuge procrastinator. This one time, I spent 20 minutes snacking and watching TV before starting my homework. I attribute the fact that I am only ranked 2/2000 to that incident(which will NEVER happen again).</p>
<p>I actually know a girl like that (who is, in fact, #2 and will never catch up to my procrastinating vallie self!! mwahahaha). One time she came to school and said "OMG guys, I stayed up soooo late last night working on my term paper. I mean, I guess it's my fault, because I didn't really start it until a week ago, but I had to stay up til 11 o'clock!" I came back with "ummm I didn't start it until...yesterday, and I stayed up til 3 this morning." She didn't believe me. Grades come back. She rushes over and asks me what I got. 98, yo. FTW</p>
<p>I very rarely actually have any HW, so I dunno where my procrastination value would lie... Take math class, for example -- I'm usually a week ahead or more because I work on HW during lectures instead of paying attention, or Physics class, wherein I do my HW during that lonely time in study hall where I'd have little else to occupy me.</p>
<p>When I actually do have HW to do at home and it **needs **to be done at home (which means that that's the day it's due, otherwise I'd do it during study hall), I start the HW a wee bit after midnight -- at 3-4 AM, when I wake up ;]</p>
<p>Soooo, I guess I *could *be a 10, just one who 90% of the time has his HW done long before the due date. :D</p>
<p>GPA right now is like a 4.0/4.7 or something, I dunno. Cum. is 3.9x/4.3x, haven't checked in a while. ;]</p>
<p>Soooo alright, we've gotten some sub-10s. Now we need some non-3.8+s in here, guys. This isn't going to work when one of the variables is the same among everyone!</p>
<p>i "start" my hw immediately and work continuously but with HELLA distractions (such as cc). so what should take about 3 hours takes about 8 hours haha, and i normally go to sleep at 12-1.</p>
<p>procrastination- 7
uwgpa- 94.189
wgpa- 98.139 (+5 per honors, +8 per ap)
rank- top 3% of 315 (so about 8-11)</p>
<p>procrastination: definitely exceeds 10
UW GPA: 4.0 W GPA: 4.6
rank: 1 along with some others</p>
<p>it's actually quite embarrassing to be such a procrastinator when the other almost-vals fit the stereotype very well and wouldn't think of it. however, I don't believe that it makes me less worthy of the title.</p>
<p>procrastination: 10...
always gotta come to school late the day an english paper's due >_<
gpa: 4.0 uw, 4.73 w</p>
<p>but on the other hand, my friend is like a 2 for procrastination and has pretty much the same gpa. so uh, i don't really think it matters whether you procrastinate or not. whatever works for you. just the majority of ppl procrastinate cuz that's what ppl do..</p>
<p>I think if my school were at all challenging, I'd be failing. But as it is, I do projects the day they're due, study during homeroom and lunch, and rarely do homework unless it's going to be checked. I guess I'd give myself a 9-10 in terms of procrastination, but I'm holding down a 4.0 UW anyway, and I'm tied with 3-4 others for rank 1/265.</p>
<p>9 (I usually start homework at 9 or later and do some in school too)</p>
<p>(All are only through sophomore year)
unweighted GPA: 3.8
weighted: 5.5 (my school does it out of 6.0)
Rank: 16 out of 351</p>
<p>Back when I was in 7th grade we learned the word "cras" for tomorrow in Latin, so we all decided it was within our school's classical, very Latin spirit to pro*cras*tinate.</p>
<p>procrastination - 9. I don't 'procrastinate' really, but i give myself a nine because I procrastinate to the point where it doesn't get done at all, and I put it off once and for all and don't think about it after I have weighed the pro's and cons of not doing it. I don't know if that's procrastination, because proc is putting it off, this is deciding when you get the assignment y/n immediately, and then not thinking about it. </p>