<p>Who else is procrastinating?
Anyone with tips tell me how to overcome this?</p>
<p>I am!! I don’t feel like doing any of my essays;; I just don’t know what to write about.
And on the essays, would it be straightfoward answers or like a story?
I wrote mine as a story because it was better than just telling them what happened.
But it sounds really awkward… Because the question is stated and I just start off with a personal experience taking place.</p>
<p>I’ve been ‘studying’ for the SSAT and have 2 books now; but one book doesn’t explain how they got their answer…</p>
<p>Make a to-do list, then mark things off as you complete them. It will help keep you organized and reduce your stress. Then you can see exactly how much more you have to do and exactly how much you have already completed. </p>
<p>Don’t put your essays off until the last minute and end up sending in your first draft. Revise and edit until they are perfect!</p>
<p>Good luck to both of you.</p>
<p>Lol, thanks;
I’m trying to do it, but my body just keeps wandering into the kitchen, reading a book, getting on the computer, watching a movie, eating popcorn, lol…
I just don’t know what to write about that won’t sound so dorky and stupid.</p>
<p>tiger max,</p>
<p>how does your story essay work? i mean is it five paragraph form, how does it begin? like with a regular introduction or you just begin your story?</p>
<p>thanks… I’m exactly like tiger_max! In fact, now here on college confidential I’m procrastinating! lol… stuck, I guess! I’m just so scared I won’t write good essays!</p>
<p>tiger_max, what are you writing about?</p>
<p>Ah, I didn’t even get on this part of the site for awhile. </p>
<p>Lol, well, I’m FINALLY almost finished with my application. I just need to polish it here and there. I need to finish one short answer question. It asks to talk about 2 books I’ve recently read; I couldn’t answer it because the books I’ve read were for school curriculum and I haven’t been into the books I’ve borrowed from the library.</p>
<p>I did most of it on Christmas. Not many people were on CC and I got bored… hehe, so I said, “Why not start something” and ended up finishing most of it.</p>
<p>My essays aren’t 5 paragraph form at all. Some of the schools give me a word limit, so yeah. I didn’t want it to sound so formal either, because the essay’s were asking about who you are, etc. It’s not like I’m trying to support an idea or something.</p>
<p>I’m not doing the common applications. Each of the schools ask for different essays. So I’m just answering the questions. One essay asked to write a person who impacted my life, etc.
What are you essays about and how have you started it?</p>
<p>Basically, I’m not sure if this is right, but I just beginned a story… I don’t want to bore the AO.</p>
<p>I’m doing the to-do list… check out my livejournal for it! (It’s huuuuge) [emilythewise</a> - Boarding School](<a href=“http://emilythewise.livejournal.com/10726.html]emilythewise”>Boarding School - emilythewise — LiveJournal)
The beginning has a lot about my Choate visit, but if you skip to the end there’s my checklist. It’s a little bigger now, even, because I AM applying to NMH.</p>
<p>But yes, the to-do list is so helpful.
I also do everything in order- first the applicant infos for all four schools, then the essays, then the blah blah… etc. It helps me stay centered. But Choate’s been pushed to the forefront, because the deadline is like… NOW.</p>
<p>Hey, the link won’t work… </p>
<p>I’m applying to NMH too. There’s a ton of people applying there!</p>
<p>kill me LOL</p>
<p>I am applying to eight schools. I am finishing my 5th school. My last 2 schools are not due until feb 1.</p>
<p>IM DONE!!! (well, i’ve sent 2 out of my three aps, I just need to copy the thrird down onto the essay sheet) I’m so proud of myslef lol. it feels good. I just sit back, and wait.</p>
<p>Does it really matter when you pay for the application fee? The deadline’s are the same day as the application deadline right?</p>
<p>Tiger_max: I just paper clipped a check to my application, its the easiest way.</p>
<p>i have a question(:
for Exeter app, they said you have to do 2 essays and write it on the sheet that they gave you. How can you fit your essays in the small space?</p>
<p>I know, I had the same question. pretty much cut down the total number of words and try to make your handwriting small. I had a total of about 500 words (both essays put together) I think I could have had another 100, so try to make sure they are 500-600 (put together) also, it really annoyed me how they didn’t give us lines on the paper. I ended up photo-copying lines from another essay form and putting it under the Exeter sheet so I could follow those lines. It was really useful.</p>
<p>I just drew out my own lines…it took awhile but it helped.</p>
<p>oh yeah. it is hard. i have a very big problem writing on straight lines.hahaha. better finish up my essays XD thanks for the help!</p>
<p>I’m supposed to be writing a DBQ for APUSH, instead I’m listening to Heartless, by Kanye West</p>
<p>Try working on your dream school apps LAST. This way you get your sea legs on the apps that are not as important to you.</p>
<p>I’m done with 2/4
Also, I did my Exeter essays the night before. Ooooh yeah!</p>