projected chances for class of 2015

<p>So, this I know this is unusual, but my sister,who is two years younger than me, really wants to go to a school near Boston. She's very bright and talented, but is convinced she won't get into Harvard. I'm curious if she could. (Just go with me on this one.)</p>

<p>She's white (and we're not legacies or anything :()
We live in Vermont
Our high school is public, but we a few send kids to top schools. In the time I've been here, we've sent kids to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Wharton (Penn), Dartmouth, Cornell, Middlebury, Amherst, Wesleyan, Carleton, and several other places.
She'll probably be valedictorian or close even without weighted GPAs. Her graduating class will be about 250 or something.
She'll have taken all the hardest classes; she's ahead of everyone in Spanish.
The teachers love her, so her recs will be glowing.</p>

<p>As for standardized tests, I'm not too sure. She'll get 5s on her APs because she studies compulsively, but SATs I'm not so sure about. She's not a very fast reader, but she's smart. I think the lowest she could conceivably get would be a 2000 and the highest a 2250. If I had to guess, though, I'd say 2150. </p>

<p>Her SAT 2's should be fine. She'll do really well on Spanish and US History for sure. Probably all right on another one. </p>

<p>Her ECs:
She gets lead roles in plays and does every one
She sings and is in an A Capella group and a band.
She does student council, maybe even president in two years
She does Eco club, apparently. (I disapprove of this, but what're you gonna do? Liberals will be liberals.)
She'll be in National Honors Society
She does leadership conferences
She might do some other stuff I'm not aware of</p>

<p>Thanks, guys. I know this is a difficult one. Also, if there's anything I neglected, or any advice you have for her, let me know.</p>

<p>It’s really hard to say, since there aren’t any official stats-- but i say if she keeps up the good work, she has a chance :)</p>

<p>Well, your thread is very premature, we can’t say anything until she has some concrete stats…</p>

<p>Yeah, </p>

<p>This is a bit premature. My best advice would be to put her heart and soul into one of her EC’s.</p>

<p>Obviously she has great potential… but its impossible to say right now. She absolutely could get in… but it mostly depends on what she does in the next couple of years.</p>

<p>Yeah, understandable. SATs will be a deciding point for her, I think. She’s really good at drama and that sort of thing, so maybe she can talk to someone at the school about that or send in an audition piece.</p>

<p>I appreciate your position, but I don’t think a chances thread is a right way to go. Chances threads are almost never helpful even when ALL the data is available (say senior year), so without any information it’s not going to give any clue as to whether she’ll be accepted.</p>

<p>Instead, if your sister really is interested in going to Harvard, she should consider what she should do in high school to achieve her goals. These are nothing surprising: she should focus on performing really well in school and should go above and beyond in a couple of extracurriculars.</p>

<p>Of course, getting into Harvard, or any good college, shouldn’t be the “goal” of high school. Anyone I knew in high school who treated it as a four year audition for colleges didn’t have a very good experience. I don’t want to be misinterpreted as saying that she should spend all her energy considering what Harvard will think of her grades, or her extracurriculars- she should really focus on having fun and enjoying the things she’s passionate about. This might be the best reason not to get her stressed about what schools she’ll get into.</p>

<p>Yeah, </p>

<p>Admiral touches on something that it is really important in my opinion.
Having a certain college as a goal in mind throughout your high school career can be a really motivating thing but it can also be very daunting. </p>

<p>But enthusiasm is always great.</p>

<p>agree. too early. and we all know its you we are chancing (but thanks for trying to not appear overeager/hubristic).</p>

<p>she reminds me of myself. Like no joke. Everything is the same, but im a national chess champion</p>

<p>@feinyNY, You remind me of myself, for real, except I beat you at chess :P</p>

<p>Whether she will get into Harvard or not, no one can tell you. But the good news is that she will have no problem achieving the goal of going to a college in the Boston area.</p>