Hi. Hello.
I need some advice about a rejection I recently had.
So the story is that my best friend (Friend 1) ask me to prom a few months ago, ahead of the game or something. We’ve been kind of planning out the basics of prom-- the colors, where to do our makeup and hair, etc-- for about a month now, around our schedule. But I found out that over the break, they got asked out by another friend of ours (Friend 2). And as you can guess, they said yes to the other friend.
I feel a tiny bit offended by the both of them because 1) Friend 1 asked me to prom but then backed out, 2) Friend 2 knew that Friend 1 and I were going together but still asked (2 knew that I was excited to go with 1, I told them that), and 3) Friend 1/2 didn’t tell me until we got back (they didn’t give me time to not do things that I had did in preparation).
I’m happy for them, but at the same time miffed. I trusted them and they didn’t even tell me.
I feel like I’m ranting, but how should I feel? Am I being petty about this, that I was rejected?
Well, that’s stinky. It’s very poor manners on both their part. There’s not much you can do now, other than find another date and rise above it. Yes, you have every right to be annoyed.
Maybe you should ask Friend 3 to go with you and let bygones be bygones.
You aren’t being petty. I’d be incensed.
@socalmom007 Thank you for your advice! True that I can’t do much now, I’ll probably ask a friend that asked me to go to prom with her for the couple prices because all of my close friends have dates at this point.
@mohammadmohd18 Thank you! I’ll probably do so, let bygones be bygones. (But not without being cold or distant to them for a bit because they didn’t really ask how I felt being ditched by my two closest friends and it hurts despite the smiles and stuff.)
That sucks! No, you have every right to be a little angry. Of course there’s nothing much you can do about it, but your friends should have acted better as friends.
Your turn to ask another friend now.
Don’t even be friends with them anymore. Life is too short to have friends who are lying snakes.
If you can’t find a date, do what I’m doing: Just go to prom with some of your close friends. I’m a sophomore and I wanted to ask a girl to prom, but I can’t because I’m an underclassman obviously. So, my friends on the varsity basketball team without a date and I decided that we’ll just do something as a bro squad.