Prom Help!

Okay, so all of my friends have prom dates. Most of my friends are guys, but they and all of my few girl friends have dates. I mean all of them. No one asked me, no one expressed that they wanted to with me, and it hurts. And not to sound cocky, I’m a nice person, they all love me, I’m attractive and smart.
I have self confidence issues so this is a real blow to the place I’ve gotten myself to in recent months. Still, I know I should have fun, but I am going to be the odd one out. It’s a fact I’m trying to prepare myself for in advance, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips to help get through this.
How do I have fun and enjoy myself when I am the official “third wheel” of the group? I want to enjoy myself but the fact that no one, and I mean no one, wanted to go with me hurts. Any tips to get over that too?

Is there someone you could ask?

Well just remember that it’s okay if no one went with you this year…I mean you could have people lining up to go with you next year! Tell yourself that you aren’t doing anything wrong, or doing anything that could veer off potential dates.

Then you create your own fun! Smile a lot, dance with a bunch of your friends and try to relax. Don’t focus on the fact that all of them have dates, maybe even find a group of people who don’t have any and hang out with them!

Also maybe keep busy, if you’re on the prom committee or some other organizing events committee then use that to your advantage.

I hope this helps, good luck! :slight_smile:

Go anyway. I was in the same situation back in the day. Bunch of guy friends and they took other people .
Tell your friends you are going on your own or find some other girls to go with.

In prehistoric times I was very shy and in HS. I was very relieved when a girl asked me to the prom. I’m sure their is a good option out there waiting for you to ask him out. Times have changed. It should be easier.

We had a great time at the prom! Dated for two years after that.

My D asked a friend who was a grade below her. They had a great time and he was thrilled to be invited to the senior prom. Might that be an option?

Think of someone you might like to go with and ask him. Look beyond your immediate group to guys in your classes. Or…let your friends know you would like a date to the prom and see who they might know in a situation similar to yours and can set the two of you up. Just think of it as a date—doesn’t have to go beyond that.

My D1 decided 4 DAYS before prom that she wanted to go with a date and asked a shy guy who was thrilled to go with her, even on very short notice.