It’s not a done deal, but out of state applicants should be aware of plans to significantly raise the amount of fees they will have to pay starting Fall 2018. The University wants OOS students to fund grants for low income students from California in order to increase the diversity at Cal Poly. There will be no increase in fees for in-state students for this purpose; this will only affect non-residents. Also be aware that the listed tuition amount ($21,312) is for 15 credits/quarter. Any credits over 15 costs an additional $264/credit (~$1056/class). The degree requirements for some majors require more than 180 credits and if you want to add a minor(s), there will be extra credit hours.
Here is the letter (copied and pasted):
A message from President Jeffrey D. Armstrong and Vice President Jozi De Leon:
Cal Poly Opportunity Grant and Proposed Fee
Dear Campus Community,
Cal Poly is committed to an educational environment where students from all backgrounds have the same opportunities to learn and succeed. Still, we know many qualified students turn down the opportunity to come to Cal Poly simply because of the cost of attendance.
With this in mind, I’m reaching out to you to announce the beginning of a campus-wide consultative process for a new grant and proposed out-of-state student fee that would create new opportunities for high-achieving, low-income California students.
Cal Poly is proposing the Cal Poly Opportunity Grant, which would provide financial assistance to California students who meet the university’s rigorous academic admission requirements, but can’t afford the cost of attendance. The grant would provide financial aid to students as early as fall 2018 and initially support the lowest income bracket among prospective students. It would eventually expand to support students from a broader range of low-income levels.
Given racial and ethnic minorities and first-generation students are over-represented among lower-income households, the Cal Poly Opportunity Grant would allow the university to increase the diversity of its student population. By serving a greater cross-section of California students, we can create a campus community that better reflects the diversity of our state and provides students with a rich intercultural experience.
To fund the Cal Poly Opportunity Grant, the university is proposing a new campus-based fee, the Cal Poly Opportunity Fee. The fee would be assessed on all newly enrolled non-California-resident students starting in fall 2018. All current students would be exempt from the fee.
As proposed, incoming out-of-state students in fall 2018 would pay an additional $2,010 a year and continue to pay the same annual fee during their undergraduate tenure at Cal Poly. Each subsequent incoming class of out-of-state students will pay an increased amount until the 2021 class (when the fee is fully phased in), as follows:
Fall 2018: $2,010
Fall 2019: $4,020
Fall 2020: $6,030
Fall 2021: $8,040
The proposal includes a provision allowing for the fee to be adjusted up to $2,700 per year for a given incoming class, if needed, to fund the Cal Poly Opportunity Grant. The combination of total tuition and the Cal Poly Opportunity Fee for out-of-state students would never exceed 90 percent of the comparable tuition and fees at a UC. In addition, the percentage of out-of-state students admitted to Cal Poly will continue to be capped at 15 percent, which is the current level.
Here’s how you can stay informed:
Learn more about the proposal at and email questions to
Attend an open forum:
Friday, February 16, 2018
1:10 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Baker (No. 180), room 114
Thursday, February 22, 2018
11:10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (UU Hour)
Baker (No. 180), room 102
Thursday, March 8, 2018
6:10 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fisher Science (No. 33), room 285
Out-of-state students are also invited to attend the following forum:
Friday, February 16, 2018
9:10 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Science Building (No. 52), room E-28
Students can also share their thoughts on the proposal through a formal intake form available on the home page of the Cal Poly Portal from Feb. 12 through March 14. As a helpful reminder tool to submit comments, students will receive pop-up messages in their portals beginning Feb. 19.
Thank you in advance for considering and providing your input regarding this important initiative.
President Jeffrey D. Armstrong
Vice President Jozi De Leon