Pros and Cons of Honors Housing

<p>Hi. I was accepted to University Honors, but I did not apply for Honors Housing. However, it said I can still apply for Honors Housing by May 1. I was wondering what are the pros and cons of honors housing? Thank you.</p>

<p>The pros is that East Amberlin Johnson is without a doubt the nicest dorm. It was recently renovated so all the equipment is new, it has its own gym, a really good kitchen, plenty of study lounges, and its own movie theater with its own Blu-ray player. Me a couple of friends have thrown a couple Game of Thrones and Dexter marathons in the theater, and for awhile you could Xbox down there. </p>

<p>I believe West AJ has access to almost all of that, so all those amenities may not be as exclusive as it may seem. </p>

<p>Downside? You’re surrounded by honors students and they’re quite different. Not in the sense that they are really serious students; I know plenty of serious students who have the grades for honors but don’t want to for various reasons, but they’re quirky; and I say this as a (recently accepted) honors student. </p>

<p>It’s a different culture that isn’t for everyone. But since you’re going to live on campus next year anyways, I would recommend doing it. They’re a tight knit community in there.</p>