Pro's and Con's of Honors Housing?

<p>What’s the good and bad about choosing honors housing? I am going to go into the honors program if I go to OSU but I’m not sure if i should choose to live in honors housing or not. Thanks!</p>

<p>Before I get too far into this, I should let you know that I live in Honors housing, and therefore have a huge bias in favor of Honors housing. There are probably some non-Honors housing kids around here to give that perspective.</p>

-More likely to get kids who take their studies seriously
-More likely to meet kids in Honors programs, classes, extra-currics, etc.
-Generally less wild
-Still lots of fun, lots of diverse types of people, from hardcore partying to hardcore studying</p>

-More strict about quiet hours(?)
-Reputation for being less fun (?)
-Missing out on other living communities such as Scholars, etc.</p>

<p>I really don’t see any real cons, except for that third point. Honors housing is tons of fun, can be pretty wild, but still allows lots of mutual understanding of the need for quiet study time.</p>

<p>I’d also like to hear more views of this. I accepted the Honors status but I’m not sure that I want to live in Honors dorms. There’s the obvious pros that they list on the website, but I feel like I’d be missing out on the regular college experience in dorms.</p>

<p>I guess I’m saying that I don’t want to live with a bunch of nerds who study all day and aren’t very party-ish. I know this is a huge generalization, but what else does “honors housing” sound like?</p>

<p>Within Honors housing, there are stereotypes:</p>

<p>North (Taylor):
The nerdiest / most studious</p>

<p>West (Lincoln):
The most chill / Enjoy their space</p>

<p>South (Bradley, Siebert):
The most social / most likely to party</p>

<p>These are STEREOTYPES. Based on my OSU experience in Honors (I live in West, Lincoln) I’d say those are more-or-less true. Huge generalizations, obviously. There are hardcore party kids everywhere, and hardcore nerds everywhere too. But by and large, the personalities of the dorms are kind of like that.</p>

<p>I think any kind of Honors kid could find an Honors dorm they like. I really don’t see any disadvantages at all of Honors housing.</p>

<p>And yes, you TOTALLY get the real college experience, even in Honors. They’re all diverse, they’re all full of interesting people, and (thanks to OSU’s big size) I’d say it’s not too hard to find your niche no matter where you go.</p>