Pros and Cons of living off campus

<p>I'm pretty certain i'm gonna be attending UCF. I'm just wondering what the pros and cons are of living off campus there. I feel I wont be fully connected to my school if i live off campus. but maybe I'm over reacting. If i live off campus i get to room with my best childhood friend which is a plus. and im sure we can find some nice cozy apartment which of course i wouldn't mind. anyways any input you can give me about the advantages and disadvantages of living off campus would be appreciated. thank you!</p>

<p>Most incoming freshman usually live on campus, at least during
their first year in order to properly assimilate into college life.
Suggestion – Possibly you should take a refresher English grammar
class prior to entering UCF so that you may academically assimilate
into college life.</p>

<p>singular: freshman
plural: freshmen</p>

<p>daviddj, you should take a Dale Carnegie training class before you entering college to assimilate better!</p>

<p>How to Win Friends and Influence People. Written in 1936 by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People is still a popular book to date in business and Business Communication skills. Dale Carnegie’s four part book is packed with advice to create success in business and personal lives. How to Win Friends and Influence People is a tool used in Dale Carnegie Training and includes the following parts:</p>

<p>1.Part One: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
2.Part Two: Six Ways to Make People Like You
3.Part Three: How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
4.Part Four: Be a Leader - How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment</p>

<p>My D lives off campus because she was paying too much for what she eats ,and wanted a quiet place to live and study . She is living with a retired University professor and 2 cats . She will be saving 4k a semester , but I worry she will be too isolated from campus life . It all depends on WHY you want to live off campus .</p>

You permit your minor child to live with some strange old man
soley to save a few bucks ?
That’s awkward!</p>

<p>flmarlins94: A lot of people that I know have said they loved living on campus the first year because they were able to make more friends than the one they were rooming with. Depending on if your friend joins the Greek Life, you can sometimes feel left out sitting in the apartment bored whereas you thought you guys would be spending a lot of time together. Also it is easier as far as in between classes being able to run back to your room if you forgot something you needed. Like I said these are stories from friends of mine so I do not have first hand experience. Good luck!</p>

<p>daviddj: You seem to stalk a lot of these forums posting negative comments about people’s opinions and choices. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but a lot of people respond negatively to you which shows that you don’t come off as a social type. You might want to just read and not post :)</p>

<p>Honestly, it feels the same to me. The only perk for me about living on-campus was that maintenance came every week to clean and vacuum, but I can easily do that myself when I’m not lazy. Plus, off-campus housing is so much cheaper compared to on-campus. As far as making friends, I think that’s solely up to you as an individual, not where you live. UCF holds a crap load of social activities that you can participate in, so make use of those. The shuttle buses comes around these apartments every 15 minutes from like 7am-10pm everyday, so it’s not like you won’t have access to on-campus activities w/o a car. If I knew what I do now coming into college, I would’ve actually not dorm and rent an apartment. Don’t forget that many of these apartment complexes also hold events for their residents and it’s mostly UCF kids that lives around here. </p>

<p>@ david, I would rather live with an older, responsible adult to save a few bucks in contrast to living with a party person that only knows how to trash the place. Age is nothing. As long as the person is respectful to you as a roommate, why not?</p>


<p>OK !
Why are you up night at 3:00am ?</p>

<p>David- Have you received any news yet? Where have you been accepted? You seem stressed!</p>

<p>Yes, thank you and the honors application is still sitting on my desk as I await for the second Friday in February.</p>

<p>o_o Why does it matter what time I’m up at? LOL.</p>