
<p>Hey all, I was just accepted to UM and was hoping i could get some pros and cons of the university from alumni, current students, or really anyone who knows the university well. Ive taken 1 visit already but didn't get to spend a lot of time there due to a hockey tournament. I'm thinking about going down for the Accepted Students Open House in April and was also wondering if there are "Must Do's" while I'm down there. Another thing is I'm an out-of-state student from North Carolina but the distance doesn't bother me! Thanks everyone for your help!!!</p>

<p>If it helps I would be going for free due to the GI Bill. But I’m having a hard time convincing my parents on why I should go to UM. They think I’ll get distracted with the “Miami nightlife”…</p>

<p>Show them this thread: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My parents are the same way. Almost failproof method: throw statistics in their face. Class sizes, 44th in the country, list of majors, beautiful campus. </p>

<p>ANY, ANYANYANY college in the United States is a party school. Miami nightlife my ass. Ask them if they’d rather you go to NYU, great school, eh? What about the NYU nightlife? Bull*<strong><em>. I’m *</em></strong>ed off for you. You get a full ride to a great university and your parents find a problem with it. They sound like members of the Third Reich.</p>

<p>Thanks for the thread Marinebio!! and BornToBeaGator that’s what I’ve been trying to do! I pretty much told them that even though it’s in Miami that the city has deep pockets which helps research opportunities and job placement etc.</p>

<p>Anyone else have some info? Any info is good info right now!</p>

<p>Definitely come to Admitted Students’ Day. No matter how much we explain how much we love the U (and I truly do, it’s amazing), only you can determine if it feels right for you by spending time here.</p>

<p>If you have specific questions, I’d be glad to offer my input, but it’s hard to respond to “convince me one way or the other.”</p>