Prospective Student questions on UC GPA and Test scores

I doubt that uc schools don’t request SAT score but the space is open for recording. If we wrote the score , they will request sat score from college board? Or ignore?

In state, we are taking all AG course right?

They review all courses in making sure that A-G requirements are fulfilled.

When it comes to the calculation of GPA, they only use courses taken from summer before 10th grade to summer before 12th grade.

I don’t think so. We have to record our all course from 9 th to 10 th. Actually they will look into. But nobody knows because when I asked ucb admission, she said they look into all . Also the school teacher said that . But some school counselor dmsaid no. But I remember my high school counselor said that from 9 th grade grade is considered when I asked her for she added my son’s math course that he took in summer before 10th but counselor added it into 9 th grade and his college foreign language course was added in 9 th grade. When I complained because for uc gpa but she said that is no problem.

As others have said, the verb look could simply mean confirming that the A-G requirements are met and for that purpose they will of course look at all courses. But, for GPA calculation they will only use 10-11.

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If we don’t record sat score, automatically my child won’t go into honor course?

Actually I don’t think it is useful because uc gpa is only 8 course capped .

The sat institution you tubes say that uc gpa is not different from other private schools finally.
I don’t think so either out of state parents the us website indicated for concerning. Also our California schools provide only AG courses. I am out of topic ? :smile: sorry if so.

My words the uc website explains all curriculum if you are OOS

All UC’s consider your a-g courses taken 9-12th grade. 9th grade classes and grades are reviewed to determine if the applicant passes and meets the a-g course requirements and 12th grade in-progress/planned classes are reviewed to determine that all a-g course requirements will be met by end of Senior year and overall HS course rigor.

All UC’s use the 10-11th a-g course grades for the UC GPA calculations which there are 3.

Unweighted (no honors points), Capped Weighted (maximum 8 semesters of qualified Honors points) and Fully weighted (unlimited # of semesters of qualified Honors points).

All UC’s will list their Capped weighted GPA admit ranges on the UC Freshman profiles. UCLA and UCB also list their Fully weighted UC GPA admit ranges on their campus specific websites.

Applicants can submit or list SAT/ACT scores but they are only used for placement purposes and not used for admission purposes.

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Then , my son honor pre calculus is added to 9 th grade which is not counted gpa( he actually took summer after 9th grade.) But my school counselor said that it won’t be problem since actually his overall GPA will be counted. Do you say my school counselor is wrong? I think she is exper since she is over 10 year working here.

A-G courses taken the summer after 9th to the summer prior to 12th are included in the UC GPA calculation. If he took the Honors Pre-Calc course after 9th grade, then yes it will included with the extra honors point bump.

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Some typo. His honor pre calculus won’t be counted because it is added to 9 th grade transcript right? Then my counselor was totally wrong?

If he took the course the summer after 9th grade, it should have been listed as such on the UC application and hopefully his HS transcript.

I asked my counselor to change it from 9 th to 10th . But she said that it is not different because UCs count all gpa course finally and saud to me " don’t worry " . Finally my son took 2 math courses one is honor algebra 2 and one is honor pre calculus by the transcript. Can my son record honors calculus as 10 th grade course, uc think he lied?

His transcript and UC application need to match. So if it is a summer course, it is not listed as a summer course on his transcript?

She recorded that out of school course . And recorded separately in other space. Maybe the college recognize but it is recorded as 9 th grade gpa.

Maybe our explanation will be needed.

We are in California

I think (but am not sure) that Gujiwoo’s student who is applying is a daughter. The son might still be in high school.