Provocative or offensive "F-word" essay?

<p>Okay so I took a bit of a risk. I wrote my “What academic experience yada yada influence/inspired” basically about “****.” (The F-word since it will probably be censored). It was about a paper I wrote about swearing that inspired me to study linguistics. I never used the actual word for fear of offending someone, but is the topic in general just too offensive?</p>

<p>I mean it doesn’t really matter now, but I was just wondering.</p>

<p>I’d think it’s pretty risque. I think it depends on who reads your essay… If they’re intrigued by it, it will definitely get you some points. Of course if they’re turned off by it… it might make them dislike you.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t take that risk but if you want to go for it, GO FOR IT!</p>

<p>If you didn’t use any actual swear words in the essay, and if it’s true that this paper inspired you to study linguistics and you write that convincingly, that seems like a great topic. I’m not offended.</p>

<p>i think that’s a great topic as well. it’s obviously different, which they like. and i doubt you’re being crude about it, so i think you’re fine!</p>

<p>if you never say the word then i can’t imagine them getting offended by it.</p>

<p>GO FOR IT! sounds like a great topic to me.</p>

<p>as long as you dont use the word i think thats an awesome idea</p>

<p>all i can think of is the boondock saints quote. I wonder how that looks on CCs filters:</p>

<p>Rocco: *<strong><em>in-What the *</em></strong>in? *<strong><em>. Who the *</em></strong> <strong><em>ed this </em></strong>ing… How did you two <strong><em>ing </em></strong>s…!
Connor: Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.</p>

<p>diversity = yay!</p>

<p>I think it’s an awesome idea…especially if you can finagle the essay so that it doesn’t look like you’re AVOIDING using the f-word, but that you just conveniently didn’t have to use it to make your point.</p>

<p>I think it’s a really good idea that will catch the attention of the readers</p>

<p>I had a friend who got into Yale using an essay that everybody told her not to use. She emulated some strange metafiction style by a contemporary author. It was confusing and sort of gimmicky, but very sophisticated and intellectual. </p>

<p>Can’t get anywhere if you don’t go for it. That’s all there is to it.</p>

<p>I dont’ think it’ll hurt you. I’ve read a lot of college essay examples and a lot of them used cuss words. If it adds creativity or whatever add it nobody will care.</p>

<p>i think it sounds good and i would not be offended!
hey if youre lucky theyll read yours after mine, theyll most likely be so put off by mine youll be fine</p>