PSA Help

Hi! I’ve been waiting for a decision for Biomedical Science as a review admit for quite awhile, and I’m preparing for the thought of being offered PSA. However, I’ve already got two years of general studies in college done, so I would only have to do two more years of undergrad before I apply to vet school. I’m looking for any advice regarding this, such as if I get offered PSA, should I take the offer based on my circumstances? Could I transfer to College Station a semester early? Have there been other early college students in my position?

If you have 60 credits of school, you won’t qualify for TEAM, Gateway or PSA or even PTA. If you’ve me the requirements for transfer with those completed courses, then apply as a transfer for the spring 2020.

go here and check out what you need to transfer.

@luckyaggie Transfer to BIMS can’t be over 75 transferable hours. With 48-60 hours already, I would get clarification what that means, as to if that is total hours or transferable hours that satisfy major course requirements. For instance, there are courses that transfer but they don’t count towards the major or there is no common course number.

There are 32 hours required coursework that must be complete (in bold italic) and the core curriculum. The classes in italics must be a B or better… Do you have all of the classes in bold completed?

@Thelma2 I’ve done most of the “general” things. In my senior year, Im finishing up Biology II at the moment, so I still have chemistry and physics to do. However, I’ve done the english, government, history, creative arts and basic algebra and statistics. I’m getting a General Studies associates degree, so it hasn’t really been catered to the science side as I had hoped it would.
Even then, I’m not eligible to transfer in because I have to register as a freshman applicant, because the admissions page asks for early college students to apply as freshman rather than transfer students.

@luckyaggie Algebra will give you credit but won’t count towards degree FYI. And I’m saying take courses after graduation and apply as transfer for the spring. With that many hours, you can get this done. Just have to complete required courses first.

@AggieMomhelp Thing is, she needs clarification on incoming hours. PSA requires a at minimum, 12 hours in fall and spring post high school graduation.
If she enrolls this fall, that could well put her over 75 hours and her ability to transfer is over.

Exactly how many hours will your associates be @luckyaggie when you graduate?
Compare your common course numbers of the classes you have and the required classes

No, I’m saying DON’T do PSA. take courses to satisfy intended major requirements and apply asap.

PSA aside, the problem still is that she cannot apply to transfer if she has over 75 hours, which is the major max for transfer.
To be eligible to transfer, she has 7, four hour classes that she still must take. She does not have the required Cal I, any Chemistry or Physics.

That is why she needs to know exactly the number of hours she has when she graduates high school.

If her associates is over 48 hours, then she is out of luck. If it is only 48 hours, then and with these 28 needed hours, she is on the 75 hour max.

The transfer course sheet also wants the International and Cultural Diversity requirement complete when completing the Language Philosophy and Culture, and Creative Arts requirements. If ICD isn’t met by her current courses, she has to factor in those hours as well.

Woah, how bleak! The thing is, I feel like i’m going to get offered to go to McAllen at their newer science center, and I’m not sure if that counts as PSA. In the case that it isn’t, hopefully I could transfer over to College Station by the start of the spring semester. I’ve talked with the valedictorian of my school who is going the exact same route I wanted to go (biomed at CSTAT, except he’s auto) and he told me he suspects around 3 years of school before he can actually graduate with a biomedical degree. Going off of that, I hope there’s a chance for me to go to CSTAT? I haven’t been able to precisely mark how many hours, but I think about half.

@Thelma2 I’ll have 60 credits total when I graduate, but that’s not counting what could go to my biomedical degree (I could have unneeded courses such as algebra as @AggieMomhelp had stated).

Looking at the required courses for Biomedical right now (finally on a computer!), I can see that I’m missing so many of the science and math courses.
Here is the path to my associates degree during my four years of high school:
FRESHMAN (first year the school started, nobody knew what was going on):

Theatre 1 + 2 for creative credit

Semester 1+2:
U.S. History 1 + U.S. History 2
Psychology + Sociology
English 1 + 2
Computer Programming + Economics

SENIOR (getting SOME stuff done):
Semester 1 + 2:
Biology for Science Majors + Lab 1+2
Federal Government + Texas Government
Brit Lit 1 + 2
Algebra I + Statistics

So I haven’t gotten a whole lot done towards my Biomedical degree, but I’m hoping this could work in my favor towards my journey to CSTAT? I know that the courses that MATTER (such as Bio and some government) do transfer over, because my college really just used the general of the general, so it can seemingly be applied anywhere.

An admissions to McAllen is not considered PSA and they are not a PSA option. If you got McAllen, and want to end up at A&M, I would jump on it. Make the most of it. It is such a new admissions decision that we don’t yet know how it works except what we read online but I believe a switch in campus can be made after the first year

@Thelma2 The only reason I haven’t applied to McAllen separately is because the website says “Freshman applicants are considered for admission to the Higher Education Center at McAllen as part of the freshman admission process to Texas A&M University. Students applying to majors that are offered in College Station and McAllen may indicate a preferred location on their application.”
While I did select College Station, I hope that McAllen is still an option if I can’t attend College Station.

You should still be considered for that location, even though you put College Station. If you don’t get CStat, that would be a much better route than the transfer. Great having a plan and not limiting yourself. I am crossing fingers and toes for you . PLEASE stick around with your decision. I want to jump up and down and hoot and holler for you!!

@Thelma2 Thank you so much!! You’re the best!!