I finished the Reading 1/2 an hour early and drew a demon turtle cat with a speech bubble that says “I eat souls” and a caption that says, “You ask for my SS number, I give you Demon Turtle Cat! U mad, College Board?”
what happens if I forgot to sign the contract stating that I would not discuss questions outside of the room? My test proctor did not tell us to, in fact, she told us to leave it blank at the time being.
@awesomepolyglot: Did you actually try, or did you just rush through the passage on purpose? Because the girl next to me finished in 10 minutes, but she bubbled in random answers so it doesn’t really “count” in her case.
A couple of questions 1) When are the scores out and do they get put on the kids’ College Board account?
2) How do you convert the PSAT score to an equivalent “NEW SAT” score? Thanks, Londondad
In the past, PSAT scores were NOT put on the CB account. The packet with the scores is sent to the guidance counselor, who then gives it to the student, possibly with some words of wisdom.
Redesigned PSAT Score = (predicted) Redesigned Sat Score. The new PSAT has a maximum of 760 per section, to account for the lower difficulty level.
@londondad, here are the answers to your questions:
Last year we accessed my D2’s PSAT scores online and I just checked and yep, they are still there. Just go to the college board website and link to QuickStart. Per Collegeboard, you might be able to access scores earlier online than paper. In our particular case, the school doesn’t even distribute paper score reports till early January so we’ll definitely be checking online!
To convert to an SAT-equivalent score, I just divide the total PSAT score by .95 (or multiply by 1600/1520 for the total, 800/760 for each of the two sections).
@londondad Scores will actually be emailed this year in about two months (if student provided an email address) in the email you should get a code that you can plug into Khan this will let you see which questions you missed and what the correct answer should have been, supposedly Khan will provide specific instruction tailored to the problems you missed.
Thanks @3scoutmom I think that’s so great about getting the access code e-mailed. D3 took the PSAT yesterday and her school doesn’t even release the score reports till early January! And now that I remember it we needed that access code to get online and it wasn’t available till the paper reports were distributed . . . ugh. It’ll be so much easier this year.
“2) To convert to an SAT-equivalent score, I just divide the total PSAT score by .95 (or multiply by 1600/1520 for the total, 800/760 for each of the two sections).”
This method assumes that a student will perform the same on the harder SAT as he or she does on the easier PSAT. This may or may not be true.
True, @Plotinus. But the new PSAT is only 15 min. shorter than the SAT and the majority of sections give the student the same amount of time per question. Also, my D3 thought the PSAT questions from the practice exam were actually harder than the practice SAT’s. While we don’t know for sure (and probably won’t till March 2016) it appears to us at least that the PSAT is a pretty good indicator of how someone will perform on the SAT.
@Mom2aphysicsgeek I think the “test score” (i.e. the converted or scaled score) is actually more important than the raw score and that will vary by individual test. We’ve seen this with our other kids on both practice SATs and ACTs You can miss fewer questions overall but end up with a lower score because it was an easier test (and, conversely, miss more and end up with a higher score). The difference between the current “new” test and the old format is that the latter actually had some history to it! Any scaling we now see in an example or a practice test is based on a best guess as to how student would have done on the test - courtesy of College Board (which has tons of data so their guess is hopefully accurate).
Keep in mind, as well, that Ima B. Student is fictitious, as are her scores. I’m sure College Board didn’t mean for her to cause anxiety LOL.
Ugh. on the emailing. Both my sons told me they put my email address down because they don’t check their school one on a regular basis. I hope I get both their access codes although I might not get any since my email was originally linked to my now college Juniors college board account…
I looked at that link. I have to wonder if that last page is really the score for the above student. I can’t see how missing 4 questions would make it a 480.
Nice catch @Mom2aphysicsgeek. The answer sheet on page 4 doesn’t correspond to the scores on page 3. These must be from two different tests. The test on page 4 would have had much higher scores.