<p>Hey Matteox,
It doesn’t matter what you chose. To be frank, even if you chose Binghamton over MIT or CMU, that’s your choice, although an incredibly dumb choice, you have your right to make your own choice. My job is to simply shed light on facts, and resources, and here comes a fight that might sting, but again, it’s a fact:</p>
<p>Stony Brook University has a CSE program that is far, far, far superior than of Binghamtons. We have far more resources than you, far better faculty, we do more research than your entire school of Engineering, and our CS program alone is the size of your entire Engineering school, not to mention our unique Alumni. CS is something we’ve been doing since the 60’s, and we pretty reputable. Heck, even the president of Stanford is our alum. So now, if you chose Bing, more power to you my friend. I just wish to inform applicants of facts, and then if they choose Bing over MIT, or UCB for whatever reason, that is their choice; an applicant has the right to know that Bing is a Liberal Arts school, with a mediocre CS program, whereas SBU is s Science school, with a top 20 CS program(by Gourman report), and a new $100 Million CS building under construction already, for our nearly 90 faculty members(we are hiring 5 more faculty members this semester, from elite schools, and we hired 5 last semester from MIT and CMU), which makes Bings department peanuts when compared to us. :-)</p>
<p>You are still young, and perhaps naive, when you start to mature into your CS program, and begin participating in ACM competitions, you will realize that when Bing ends up in 55th, or 60th, SBU generally either wins the competition, or places 2nd, with due respect, we compete with Princeton neck to neck in programming competitions, thanks to our great Algorithm folks, and huge program from which we can select intelligent students. It’s ironic cause when you prepare for job interviews, you will be reading the Algorithm Design Manual, a book written by our professor, I’m sure then you’d wouldve hoped to have had taken Algorithms with him, or Operating Systems with Eugene Stark(who built his own OS at MIT), and the list goes on, and on.