Public Relations

<p>Lay it on me people. What are the best schools, the best cities, etc, for someone going into a public relations major? If you are in said major, do yo like it? Where do you go? What are the prerequisites?</p>

<p>I personally think any media-ish major would be best in a big city environment, where most of the media industry is.</p>

<p>You would have so many more internship opportunities and chances to network, than a school in the middle of nowhere!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. After a ton of research, I’m really really interested in Boston University. They have a great communications school. And it is located right in the city so hopefully I will be more successful with internships.</p>

<p>I work in PR. </p>

<p>I’d recommend a minor in Business. Or, better yet, make it a second major.</p>

<p>Thanks. I think since I’ve declared my major in Business Management and Administration, I’ll just minor in public relations or possibly Communication and Rhetoric.</p>

<p>Great plan.</p>

<p>When you have a choice of electives, I highly recommend anything related to graphic design. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body. But, being able to hold an intelligent design conversation with an artist is mission critical for PR. :)</p>

<p>I never thought of that! I’m like you where I have no artistic abilities so I would be lost in that conversation. I’ll definitely look into some graphic design electives. Thanks!</p>