<p>So, I'm applying to the following schools:
- Penn State (University Park)
- University of Maryland (College Park)
- Syracuse University
- James Madison University
- University of Connecticut
- Loyola Maryland
- The College of New Jersey
- Quinnipiac University
- Rowan University</p>
<p>My main concerns for this post are PSU and UMD (I don't think I'd get into Syracuse/Newhouse, plus I didn't like the campus very much anyway). If I were to be accepted to both PSU and UMD, which should I attend? Which has a more reputable communication/public relations program?</p>
<p>Any updates? I’m interested in UConn and Quinnipiac, as our daughter was accepted to both for Comm/PR majors.</p>
<p>yep, i have been accepted to:
Loyola Maryland
James Madison
and Rowan.</p>
<p>Those are the only ones I’ve heard back from… I still have 7 left to hear from. (Maryland, Miami, Richmond, Villanova, TCNJ, Penn State, and Syracuse)</p>
<p>Do you have any thoughts on Quinnipiac or UConn?</p>
<p>i’m not really into quinnipiac and i likely won’t attend uconn.</p>
<p>Did you decide where you would like to go? I’m from CT (not looking in state, however) and I want to major in PR, too. I’m still a junior but Syracuse is my top school. UMD has PR? I had no idea, haha. :)</p>
<p>not yet! still waiting on richmond, syracuse, nova, and miami. since i posted my last reply i’ve been accepted to tcnj, penn state, and maryland:)</p>
<p>Woo, congrats!
If you don’t mind me asking…what were your grades like, what classes did you take, and what ECs did you do? My list of schools I’m applying to in the fall is reallllyyy similar!</p>
<p>thankk you! okay well for the most part i held an 89ish GPA but i had a horrendous junior year because of a concussion, so i had some Cs on my transcript. i thought that would screw me over, but my counselor wrote about it in his recommendation and i included it in my essays so i guess they understood. my SATs were 1310/2010. my big EC is girl scouts and i did a lot of community service-related work, and various clubs around school. oh, and i was a team leader for CCD. i didn’t really have much leadership, though. i think it was mostly in the way i presented myself. and class-wise, i took mostly regular classes my freshman year (and i think an honors language) but then sophomore year i was recommended for a bunch of honors (i think 6, including some electives like anatomy and creative writing). junior year i took AP English and AP US History and got a 5 and a 4 on the tests, respectively. oh, and i took honors french junior year. i took two languages both sophomore and junior year (italian & honors french) but i dropped french for this year. and this year, i have four SUPA (syracuse) classes: forensics, ENGLISH (which is hell), psychology, and sociology. i also take regular pre-calc (math was never ever my thing), as well as a health class you have to interview for. </p>
<p>where are you applying?!</p>
<p>That sucks about the concussion but at least they understood! Wow we sound pretty similar…math isn’t my thing either, haha and I’m gonna take about 5 AP classes, ughh. 
And I think I’m gonna apply to Boston U, Syracuse, U Southern California, U Maryland, James Madison, Penn State, Marquette U, and Purdue U. Kinda all over the country haha
But I’m yet to look at any campuses yet, I’m gonna do that April break!</p>
<p>sounds good! i wish i had applied to USC. my parents would never let me though… it was tough convincing them to let me apply to miami haha (i’m from NJ). you really are all over the place! where are you from?</p>
<p>Yeahh I’m not sure if I could get in but it’s worth a shot. And yeah, U Miami and U Florida might be on the list, too. It keeps growing
I’m from CT, how about you?</p>
<p>jerseyyy. haha this time last year my list was NOTHING like it actually came out to be. my #1 school wasn’t even on my mind</p>
<p>Haha that’s funny. I’ve been looking at colleges since I was 12 so mine has definitelyyy changed. I used to wanna go to Yale for Bio…hahah no thanks, then Tufts for Pre-Veterinary…I crack myself up :)</p>
<p>hahaha i was obsessssed with the princeton review website when i was like 11. i think i used to want to go to NYU or something. and then like, jmu… dream big. goood times. it’s so weird how much stuff changes hahah</p>
<p>Yeahhh haha it really is. But anyways keep me posted on your acceptances!</p>
<p>waitlisted at villanova & miami, denied from richmond, and accepted to syracuse but not newhouse. which sucks. no idea what to do now haha</p>
<p>Hmmm well what was your top choice? I feel like it would be pointless to go to Syracuse if you didn’t get into Newhouse but maybe you could go there and reapply to Newhouse sophomore year if you wanted to? But you said you didn’t like the campus anyways.</p>
<p>richmond was my toppp haha ■■■. yeah i don’t think i’m gonna go to syracuse. i’m trying to decide between maryland, penn state, tcnj, loyola, and james madison. uconn, rowan, and quinnipiac are pretty much out. i like that maryland has an amazing location and that it’s a big name, but i don’t know how their PR program is. and penn state is in the middle of nowhere and may have questionable academics somehow, but has an amazing reputation and the best job networking out there. its drawback is the location and the price for out-of-state. i dont know about the programs at tcnj but since i’m in-state it’ll be relatively inexpensive… loyola is reaallly expensive but is in a baltimore which could be good for internship opportunities. jmu is pretty questionable. soo honestly i have no idea! honestly i would totally transfer to richmond haha</p>
<p>wow the grammar in that paragraph is actually horrendous but you get it hahah</p>