Purdue 2017 Transfers

Hi fellow boilermaker-hopefuls! I wanted to start a place for all those looking to transfer to Purdue to list their stats, state when they completed their application, and report when they heard back to help those of us that are currently freaking out (aka me).

So, my stats:
NCSU freshman, 4.0 GPA
Currently in first year engineering, trying to transfer into chemical engineering
My application needs my high school transcript to be complete - I sent this in January 4th and was told by a Purdue rep two days ago that they’re only on mail from December 23rd
EC: I work 9 hours a week, take 15 hours, participate in intramurals, was on my hall council, and am in a sorority

If anyone who transferred into Purdue wants to tell me what they think my chances are/when they think I’ll hear back that would be great, but this is mostly for all of us transfers to share when we hear back and to support each other.
Good luck everyone!

I hope you still active in this thread. I am at USI freshman, GPA 4.0 currently in mechanical engineering and I’m trying to transfer to Aerospace Engineering program. I was denied one in spring semester and I’m trying again for the fall semester. I’m taking 15 credit hours and not really participate in much extracurricular activities.
I know my friend who got lower GPA than me but she got in last fall into chemical engineering. I don’t see any problem that you will get accepted. It’s just a matter of time. Good luck and keep in touch with me.

My application checklist switched to completed on 1/24. I’m hoping I hear back this month or sometime in March. Do you know when your friend heard back about her application? I’m not sure if they will wait until they get my final transcripts in May (I am currently taking some of the prereq courses), but I really hope not.
My advisor is in charge of chemical engineering transfer applicants here at NCSU, and she is confident I should get in, so I’m really hoping she’s right! Good luck to you!

Update for future transfers:

I received my acceptance letter into chemical engineering today. I know a lot of people are curious about turnaround time (or at least I was), so after submitting the common app on January 2nd and my final pieces being received January 20th, I received my decision on March 3rd!

Boiler Up!

Congratulation on being accepted to Purdue. I glad that you heard back from Purdue. I haven’t heard anything yet, and this really makes me anxious. I am taking some prereq courses too and one of them showed in the list of Transfer Student Checklist. I hope that they will review my application without that grade because I’m not able to send them until the end of this semester. I believe my first application got rejected because I’m missing one of the requirement course (aka Physics and that course I was taking at the time submitting my application 1st time). Anyways, I am waiting everyday until my turn to “Boiler up”!!!

I was accepted into Purdue Polytechnic and UCONN. woukd I be better to go to UCONN engineering and transfer or try to CODO from Polytechnic?

@Clise I heard it is very hard to CODO, and it depends on the capacity available at that moment