Purdue Admission

So Purdue just sent me an email that Theyd start releasing decisions October 23 but I haven’t sent my rec letters in or anything, but I marked on the common app that is be sending them, do you think they’ll wait or that they’ve already made a decision?

Completely speculation here…D’16 has been told by more than one university that they will not hold an otherwise complete application if there is no requirement for a letter of recommendation. I think the only reason that a letter of rec would help at a non rec requiring school like Purdue would be if you were on the borderline of accept/deny. If you said you would be including a rec then they might hold a borderline decision until they see a recommendation. Or waitlist you and ask for further materials.

What about counselor recommendations if they completed the other reports?

Since we are still not even past the EA deadline, I think any decisions coming out tomorrow should be positive…unless an applicant is so awful that even without seeing who else has applied they know they don’t want him. I think the recs will help for scholarship consideration though. We are in the same boat.

People ask this all the time but what are my chances with a 3.114 weighted, 2.8 UW gpa, 23 act, 1410 Sat, 8 AP classes, class president and bunch of other activities with a stellar essay? Also applying so early.