Purdue Class of 2016 Admission Decision Thread!!!

<p>Decision: Accepted - College of Science</p>

<p>Applied Statistics Major</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2120 (620 CR, 800 Math, 700 Writing)
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 Math II, 740 Chem
[<em>] GPA: 3.92 Weighted
[</em>] Rank: Don’t know, pretty sure I’m top 20%
[<em>] APs: World History (4) Spanish Lang. (4) Statistics (5) US History (4) Chemistry (5)
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Essay: Decent. Didn’t really get it edited a whole lot though. Did the autobiography prompt.
[</em>] ECs: Boy Scouts, We the People, Pilot
[<em>] Hook (if any): No idea, maybe the fact that I’m a pilot?
[</em>] State or Country: California
[<em>] School Type: Public, Competitive
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[li] Gender: Male[/li][/ul]
General Comments: Glad I got in. This is my first decision so far, so I’m 1 for 1. If I do go here, it will probably be solely because of the flying, and potentially the AT-CTI program at Purdue.</p>

<p>For my son:</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED
College of Science - Mathematics</p>

SAT: 600 CR 800 M 710 W
SAT IIs: 760 Chem 800 Math II
ACT: 33 Composite
GPA: 93.5 UW
Rank: School doesn’t rank</p>

Essays: Average
Teacher Recs: Very Good
Counselor Rec: Very Good
Hook (if any): None</p>

<p>Location/Person: Jersey Shore
State or Country: NJ
School Type: Science Magnet
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male</p>

<p>Other Factors: Lots of Ec’s and Volunteer work</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted - College of Engineering</p>


<pre><code>SAT I (breakdown): 2360 (800 CR, 800 M, 760 W)
ACT: Didn’t Send
SAT II: 800 Chem, 800 Math 2, 770 Biology M
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Unranked (probably top 5% of 770)
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Chem (5), AP Calc BC (5), AP English Lang (5), AP Biology (5)
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra, Spanish 4, AP Computer Science, Honors Essay Writing, Survey of Western Humanities, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP Statistics, Advanced Chemistry. Everything was AP/Weighted.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): US National Chemistry Olympiad Honors - Top 150 Nationally, USA Biology Olympiad Semifinalist - Top 500 Nationally, AIME Qualifier in Junior Year, Chemistry State Champion in a State Science competition, National Merit Semi-Finalist.


<pre><code>Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Science Bowl (Captain), ICTM Math Team, NSML Math Team, WYSE Science Team, Local orchestra, JETS Engineering Team, Kung Fu student.
Job/Work Experience: N/A
Volunteer/Community service: Library Volunteer (~200 hours), School Academic Tutor (~100 hours).
Essay: Pretty good.


<pre><code>Applied for Financial Aid?: Will do.
Intended Major: Chemical Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public School
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $150,000-200,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): None


<pre><code>Strengths: Strong science theme in my application.
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

<p>General Comments</p>

<pre><code>Hoping for some merit money here. I also copied most of this from another thread - sorry it’s so lengthy.

<p>Accepted School of Management
Applied: October 10
Decision: December 9
GPA: 4.39 Weighted 4.0 UW
Rank: 10/400(ish)
SAT: 1990 (710 CR, 670 Math, 610 Writing)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
State: IN
School Type: Public
AP: 5-Language and Composition, 4-U.S. History, Taking Microecon, U.S. govt, Stats, Calc, and Lit as a senior
Extra Curricular: DECA with 3rd place awards at District and State, NHS, Football Student Coach, Football website webmaster</p>

<p>Accepted for Biology
Applied: October 14
Decision: December 9
GPA: 3.81 UW
Rank: 26/950
ACT: 29
Ethnicity: White
Gender: female
State: IN
School Type: Public
AP: 6 APs total
Extra Curricular: NHS, varsity golf, latin club, tutoring, band, orchestra, part time job</p>

<p>Accepted for College of Engineering
Applied: Nov 15
Received Decision: Dec 10
GPA: 3.4 Unweighted (class rank: 15%)
SAT: 2220 (CR: 700 M:780 W:740)
SAT II: BIO 790, Phy 760, Math 730
State: CA
School Type: Public
APs: 5 on AB Calc and Bio, 4 in Physics
EC: Karate Black Belt, 100 hours volunteer at Sacred heart, work experience in summer
Essays: decent enough, since purdue was the first college applied.</p>

<p>Accepted for College of Engineering</p>

<p>Applied: Late August
Recieved Decision: Dec 09</p>

<p>GPA: 3.93UW 4.83W
SAT: Didn’t send (~1850)
ACT: 30/31 (33 science, 34 math)</p>

<p>State: IN
School Type: Public, ranked top 2% in class of 1250+ students
APs: 13 total + 2 dual credit classes
EC: Decent amount, volunteering and competition mainly (placed national in a few)</p>

<p>Hooks: low income / first generation
Ethnicity: Asian American</p>

<p>Weakness: Test scores, horrible test taker even with practice :(.</p>

<p>Son was Accepted for Mechanical Engineerng
Applied: Early October
Decision: Decision 9th, Earlier received likely letter
SAT: 2080
GPA: 4.2 Weighted
Rank: 14/319
State: MA
School Type: Public
AP: 7 APs total
Good EC’s
Consistent upward trend through high school
Essay-Very good, wrote about benefits of Purdue education and his future goal</p>

<p>Personal note: Academics were great, he has been working towards this for 6 years. In his case I believe his strength has been developing the whole package with pertinent EC’s that impact his major and future goals.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting. Good thread for future students looking to understand Purdue.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted to College of Agriculture (Plant Science)</p>

•SAT: 1830 (600 reading, 670 math, 560 writing)
•SAT IIs: none
•ACT: 27
•GPA: 3.68 UW/4.90 W (4-3-2-1 scale)
•Rank: 31/557
•AP Test: Plan on taking Biology, Lit, Lang, and Environmental Sciences<br>
•IB Test: Plan on taking Biology, History of the Americas, English, Latin
Taken Math Studies(7), and Music Theory(4)
•Essays: decent, not outstanding
•Hook (if any): None</p>

•State or Country: Nebraska
•School Type: Fairly completive
•Ethnicity: White/Asian
•Gender: Male</p>

<p>Extracurriculars/Work Experience:
•Volunteer at Hospital, 10-12
•National Honor Society, 12
•Tutoring, 12
•Orchestra, 9-12
•Skills USA, 9-12
•JV soccer, 9-12</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted:college of engineering</p>

SAT I (breakdown):2280 (CR:720 M:760 W:800)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):N/A
Senior Year Course Load: All honors and 3 AP Classes
GPA: 3.87
Major Awards: Not much
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):Not much (Scouts), National honors Society
Volunteer/Community service: 300+
Essay:Wrote on why I want to be an engineer
Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Computer Engineering
Country (if international applicant):USA
School Type:Public
Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.):None
Strengths: GPA, SAT
Weaknesses: ECs
Why you think you were accepted: My SAT scores and GPA are pretty good</p>

<p>Accepted Pre-Pharmacy
31 ACT
3.77 G.P.A. unweighted, 4.3 weighted.
Applied in September
Competitive Public High school, 448 in my class.
AP: biology, chemistry, ab calculus, both english classes, world history.
lots of ec’s.
Ethnicity: white.
good luck, everyone!! :)</p>

<p>My son was accepted!</p>

<p>Accepted to College of Engineering
Applied: Early October
Recieved Decision: Dec 09
GPA: 3.7 Weighted
SAT: 2090
School Type: Very competetive private high school
State: NH
APs: AP Calculus AB(5), AP Computer Science(4), currently taking AP Calculus BC and AP Physics Mech.
Hooks : none</p>

<p>Accepted for engi.
SAT CR600 MA800 WR590
SATII Math Lv2+Phys+Chem 2400
AP Calc BC 5, Phys C Mech 5,CS A 5,Microecon 5,Macroecon 4
GPA 4.00 UW</p>

<p>Accepted into Biology </p>

<p>SAT total 1990: math 610, reading 680, writing 700
29 ACT composite
SAT II: 650 on Biology (ecological- took this class last year), 600 on literature, 590 on Math I
GPA 3.12 unweighted (yes, it sucks) but in the top half (I think, they aren’t very clear with our rankings and prefer to keep them private)
Applied early October
Go to very competitive and small private all-girls HS
From TX</p>

<p>AP Biology, first half of AP Spanish is this year, AP Government, advanced maths and language throughout HS. Strengths are actually in writing but I have little interest in pursuing that. Plan on going on to either med or vet school, still undecided. </p>

<p>ECs are Model U.N., JSA, World Affairs (president senior year), tons of volunteer hours, work at animal rehabilitation center on weekends and daily during summer, <em>may</em> be a published writer by end of this year, grew up overseas (expat family)</p>

<p>I am so happy! Purdue is one of my top schools and I really love it. I hope I can get good housing if I choose to go. Congrats and good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Accepted to College of Engg. </p>

<p>do they send an acceptance letter by snail mail too?</p>

<p>Accepted to Multi Engineering </p>

<p>ACT: 33
GPA: 3.83 Unweighted
6 APs</p>

<p>Main EC: Started robotics program at school: captain
Started robotics program in local middle school: coach
UPenn Robotic engineering courses
Sponsored by Boeing to take classes at IIT in summer
Captain math team 4 year member</p>

<p>Accepted to College of Science- Computer Science
Applied: Nov 15
Received Decision: Dec 16
GPA: 3.96 W
SAT: 2020 (610 M, 670 CR, 740 W)
State: MD
School Type: Public
APs: 5 on AP Lang, 4 on AP Psych, 3 in AP World History (Currently taking AP Calc BC, AP Human Geography, and AP Lit)
Hook: Minority (Good/Bad)</p>

<p>Still waiting to hear from my top :P</p>

3.45 UW GPA
SAT 2080 (780 CR 640 M 660 W)
ACT 30
State: CA
School: Public</p>

<p>Accepted to Health and Human Sciences!</p>

<p>ACT: 26
GPA: UW: 3.5, W: 4.2
ALL IB and AP classes.</p>

<p>Would love to be a boilermaker but I’m not sure if the parents can cough up 40,000 a year :/</p>

They do. The packet has your acceptance letter, housing options, and I think like a visitor’s guide type of booklet too.</p>