Purdue Comp Sci- Chance Me

Hi, I’m a US citizen that has been in India for the last 7 years. I’ll be applying to Purdue for computer science and I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what my chances of getting in are.
I have a 1980 SAT score. I’m taking the math subject SAT and am expecting around a 750.
My 9th and 10th grades are both good. What I’m worried about is my 11th grade score. My school gives us hard tests and checks them very strictly so that we are prepared for our main 12th grade final exam. Because of this I only got 70% in 11th grade. What’s even worse is that I got 55% in math. To be fair, the math class average was only 51%.
I have very solid ECs. I’m school captain (highest student leadership position in the school), I work with a web design company, I’m on the core committee of an NGO, I’ve won many awards in basketball and have run my own free summer basketball camp for the kids in my community. I’m the cofounder of an online technology magazine. I’m currently making a survey for my school using Java and MySQL. I created and maintain a website that I made for my class. I’ve also been playin the guitar for over 4 years.
I around a 100 hours of community service.
What are my chances of getting in? How much is the 55 in math going to hurt my chances? Is there anything I can do to make up for it?
Thanks :smiley:

Did you get in?