Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

This is basically why my son last year didn’t consider RHIT.
He wanted a big school with plenty within walking distance.
Rose was very generous and welcoming but he wanted a different experience.

That’s very helpful. Thank you!

And Purdue is a really great school for CS and engineering with a reasonable tuition for even OOS students

  • S22 OOS - Accepted to Aero Engg (no scholarship)
  • 1560 (800M)
  • 4.45w/3.93uw
  • Full IB + Multivar class (college)
  • JA startup/Varsity Baseball and Golf/Student Leadership/NHS pres
  • Other ECs great
  • Essays were well vetted and looked pretty good
  • Rec Letters good
  • Purdue was 1st notification; Waiting on UoM/CMU/Cornell/GT/and a few others

Good luck to everyone!


Waterloo is also a Co-op and Tech powerhouse.

These are base salaries only. Not TCOMP… IMO… Top 20% land at companies that base salary is only one of several components.

And about an hour from Indianapolis; plus, the university is a small city unto itself, and students can find more than enough to occupy themselves (assuming that they have a lot of time after academics :slightly_smiling_face:).

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Congratulations, Raj

Just out of curiosity-how do you know the rec letters are good? For my son who got accepted into FYE(all engineering freshmen fall into this category, so I guess your son’s also been accepted into FYE, not aero), he couldn’t see his rec letters because they were straight sent to the school or system whatever.

We asked for a recommendation from our son’s BC Calc teacher because, 1. we thought engineering schools would value a recommendation from an AP STEM class teacher, 2. his GC said the teacher takes the time to write thoughtful, positive recommendations, and 3. she gushed about him during parent/teacher conferences, (he pulled an A in the class and a 5 on the AP exam). You can get a good idea about whether a recommendation will be good based on feedback from the teacher in question about the student, and feedback from the GC about recommendations written by that teacher in the past.

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I read some posts that people mentioned their essays are good. How do they know that?

I don’t know how I got into Purdue FYE
I had 3.9 UW gpa
And 4.17 Weighted

1380 sat
740 math and 640 English


Congrats! In state or out of state?

Just kill it
You know where you’re at. If you need prep do it! Stay ahead of everything.
If you do go to Purdue try to go to Boiler Gold Rush. Sign up for Boiler Boarding Pass for Sports. Hit the Corec. Go see the Guest Speakers. Study! Its a cool place. Know what’s going on. Make Friends.


Surprisingly Out of state Michigan

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So hard to know what they want! Congrats!

At my son’s school, families pay big bucks for private college counselors. Essay help in the editing and revising is often part of the package. We didn’t do that because a friend of mine who works in higher ed said they can spot those essays a mile away. They tend to not have the voice of a typical 18 year-old. I assume people who pay money for essay help think they got good essays.


You will truly know when your essays are good when the AO comments about your essay in some context. In my older son’s case, the AO wrote a letter asking him to commit, and said he really liked the essay (this was the common app). This is pretty standard. They go back and pick one or two sentences to say to you to personalize the message asking you to commit. But the dean of admissions met my son for the admitted students day, and asked for his name. And then she said – oh you are the Jazz kid (this was the supplemental. And the essay was about how bad the kid was at Jazz). And there were 800 kids at the event. She is just going off of memory. Or at another school you write that you like a particular Prof’s work. The director of the program that you are applying to hand scribbles a note saying that he will have that Prof come and meet you at the admitted student’s day – you know that essay worked. This is post mortem. It is difficult to know these things ahead of time.


And you can see very clearly when an essay has not worked – if you are denied from a school where the rest of your package should have gotten you in otherwise.