Purdue Scholarships

<p>What exactly is the scholarship app due on Feb 1st, and how am I supposed to fill it out (I don't know where to get my PUID)? Also, If you get invited to one of Purdue's alumni club scholarships, can you submit that only if you are planning to attend? Thanks.</p>

<p>I don’t know what scholarship app you’re talking about. As far as I know there is not one on Feb 1st. Link, please?</p>

<p>It’s for the individual schools. Krannert, Agriculture, etc. It’s the opportunity to get a little additional funding. PUID is found on your admission letter… and I think one place elsewhere but I can’t remember.
Alumni clubs, I have no clue. <em>shrug</em> sorry I can’t help you on that one.</p>

Here are the most relevant links I’ve read:
<a href=“https://www2.itap.purdue.edu/DFA/Scholarshipapp/scholarshipapp.cfm[/url]”>https://www2.itap.purdue.edu/DFA/Scholarshipapp/scholarshipapp.cfm&lt;/a&gt;
[How</a> to Apply for Financial Aid](<a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/dfa/howtoapply/checklist.php]How”>http://www.purdue.edu/dfa/howtoapply/checklist.php)</p>


<p>I am confused about the same thing myself.
The link above says an application is required.</p>

<p>The link below seems to indicate it’s department specific and most do not require one:
[Purdue</a> Scholarships 2013-14](<a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/dfa/sandg/schoolaward.php]Purdue”>http://www.purdue.edu/dfa/sandg/schoolaward.php)</p>

<p>Can someone clarify, is there a financial aid/ scholarship application due Feb 1st?