Purdue vs. IU Bloomington

<p>I'm only going to be applying to one so I want to know which would be a better fit. Neither would be a problem to get into (ACT 35, GPA 3.9). If you know of scholarships they might offer me, that would be great.
I love big sports - I know both have that. I love having a college town, AKA a few streets within walking distance with lots of campus bookstores, some regular clothing stores, a couple of places to eat (both chains like Panera and smaller, non-chain places), a convenience store, and a smallish grocery store. Basically, the essentials.
I love school spirit. I want to be able to walk through the campus and see a school shirt on every other person.
I want to study psychology or French and Spanish. I want to be a behavioral analyst in the FBI so I can pretty much study anything, but I definitely want to go to grad school.
I row and alpine ski race, so if I could continue that on a club team, I would love that.
I don't know if I want to join a sorority, but I definitely want there to be Greek life. I love to party so that's a major plus.
I know Purdue had a majority of men - is that still true? Definitely a plus. Unless they're all weird, dorky (some dorks just aren't cute) engineers.
Thank you so much!</p>

<p>umm, definitely apply to both. You may end up getting a bigger scholarship at one than the other. And you wouldn’t know which gave you the better financial package if you didn’t apply to both. You will also probably want to research your programs of study at each college to see which is better, and I think purdue does have a majority of men.</p>

<p>Why only apply to one school? I would apply to both. Mainly because Purdue and IU both have pretty much everything you’re looking for in a college. Both have a large greek community, both have big sports, tons of school spirit, a college town feel, and the list goes on. Purdue, I would say, is more nationally recognized than IU is, although, I’m not sure if that’s a major selling point for you. I would also definitely say there are more men than women at Purdue, not sure about IU though. </p>

<p>I recommend visiting both schools and really see what each has to offer besides to superficial things we all think about at first. Yes, boys and partying are important factors but you should like where you’re at and what your school has to offer in the long run. Which campus do you like better? What school has a better program for what you want to major in? Although both schools offer similar things, they are very different schools and you really have to see both of them for yourself and decide.</p>