Purdue vs. IU regarding keeping the student interested

<p>It's interesting how vastly different Purdue and Indiana University are in terms of how they let people know if they are accepted, keep them engaged, let them know about scholarship, etc. I would think that many of the same students in Indiana are applying to both?</p>

<p>My son applied to Purdue and IU at the same time. He recieved formal acceptance a few days ago along with the "likely" to be accepted letter a few weeks ago. Other than that, there wasn't any other correspondence from Purdue.</p>

<p>IU on the other hand accepted him back in October and at that time confirmed that he would receive their automatic scholarship (similiar to the ones that Purdue has). He was also invited to their Huttons Honors College and asked to submit their Selective Scholarship Application that allows him to compete for all of the other scholarships IU has available. About two weeks ago he recieived an IU scarf in recognition of recieving their highest automatic scholarship. Last weekend, he received word on another scholarhip he recieved. In other words, IU has done a great job of keeping him engaged while Purdue hasn't.</p>

<p>Like I said, I'm just surprised how different their communication is with the prospective students.</p>

<p>I’m always amazed at how involved the process is when it boils down to just a couple of questions for most people:

  1. Did I get in?
  2. What’s it gonna cost me?</p>

<p>Everything else flows from that.</p>

<p>It doesn’t even matter on how well the communication is between the schools and perspective students. Unless it’s a perspective scholar-athlete then maybe but if it’s not recruiting then imho, it doesn’t matter. It should really come down to what the student prefers. Unless, finances is important then I’d go to IU instead since he is already offered a few scholarships. That is if Purdue doesn’t offer any in the incoming months.</p>

<p>IU actually makes it feel like they want you to go there. Everything they send you after you’re accepted is very personalized, so much so that it’s almost stalker-ish. </p>

<p>I didn’t get into purdue (deferred =[) so I can’t compare.</p>

<p>I think IU-B spends more time wooing the honors or super high-achiever students on a regular basis. I don’t think they are quite as consistent in regular follow-up for the regular accepted student. </p>

<p>P.S. My son graduates from IU-B this year, but was also accepted at Purdue four years ago. He received a small scholarship from IU-B (none from Purdue)–but doesn’t fall into the high school “honors/super high-achiever” group.</p>

<p>thats funny because purdue has been communicating with me nonstop for their engineering program after my acceptance. also, i received a letter today regarding being awarded their highest scholarship. thats weird that your son is getting all that attention from indiana and none from purdue. what is he going into? purdue pretty much has nothing outside of their math and science programs, so if he isn’t in those it might be why. other than that i have no idea</p>

<p>Same here. my son just got confirmation of the trustee’s scholarship. No other institution has sent anything regarding financial aid. Now that’s communication.</p>

<p>einstein10, you got offered the beering scholarship?</p>

<p>I agree that it is strange. I applied to IU and although they have communicated a good deal, Purdue has just been oustanding. I recieved two holiday cards, ordered a personalized poster, got a Decal for my car in my acceptance packet and have gotten multiple e-mails/letters from Purdue since my acceptance.</p>

<p>Yeah, I seem to have missed that personalized poster thing…bah! That’s it! Purdue’s out!</p>

<p>My twin boys are high school Juniors. I have been looking into both school’s web pages on scholarship. This is the comparison:</p>

<p>Purdue: has the “automatic” + 2-6 of Beering as full ride </p>

<p>[Purdue</a> University - Merit_Scholarships](<a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/Admissions/Undergrad/costs/merit_scholarships.html]Purdue”>http://www.purdue.edu/Admissions/Undergrad/costs/merit_scholarships.html)</p>

<p>IU-B : has “automatic” + 60 (Wells + Cox + Kelley) as full ride
In addition, there are the Adam Herbert and department scholarship</p>

<p>[Nomination</a> Scholarships: Office of Scholarships: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“http://www.scholarships.indiana.edu/pages/nomination.php]Nomination”>http://www.scholarships.indiana.edu/pages/nomination.php)</p>

<p>I am sure that Purdue has other opportunities such as teaching and research assistantship. At the end, the difference may be small. But for now, I am under the impression that IU-B is more forthcoming about their scholarship. </p>

<p>Could someone please comment on the availability of research scholarship for undergraduate students at Purdue? What are the percentage of students in science may be able to get it? What is the typical award amount and would it be available in summer?</p>

<p>I applied to both IU-B and Purdue and got scholarships to both. IU offered me only $5000 a year, while Purdue offered me $10,000 a year. So at least in my experience, Purdue’s scholarship program was much better. The $10,000 a year was one of the automatic scholarships as was the $5000 at IU</p>

<p>Congratulation on your award. I think that Purdue’s criteria favors your stats in this case. However, I am still wondering if there are other full ride scholarship offered by Purdue (other than Beering - the only one listed on the above web site).</p>

<p>lukuanvx, there are a lot of merit-based scholarships for science and engineering students. To give you an example, here in Electrical Engineering at Purdue last year students with a perfect gpa were awarded $5000 for the next year, those with a 3.8 were rewarded $2500. And those are standard department awards. I know kids who get smaller scholarships while have a 3.2 GPA. These awards are from private contributors but are handled by the department.</p>

<p>And I can’t personally comment on this, but we do have a Financial Aid office which can help with finding need-based scholarships. </p>

<p>On top of that, your sons could always get a research internship. There’s two programs at Purdue, SURF and DURI. Both award a nice amount for getting a research internship. For semester research experiences, they award $500. Summer interns get $3600 to $4500.</p>


<p>Thanks for the insight. The REU and summer internship are great opportunities. My boys will definitely give a try.</p>