Pure flatery from brown?

<p>I got something in the mail that says:</p>

<p>"dear XXXXXXXXXXXX,</p>

<p>At brown, you are th architect of your education…</p>

<p>Given your impressive academic credentials, I am sure you will be contacted by myriad excellent colleges and universities across the nation; however, I ask you to please seriously consider Brown."</p>

<p>They even created a username and password for me :D</p>

<p>So do they actually want me, or do they just want my application money.</p>

<p>And I know this will come up, so yes, this is partially me trying to bring up my self-esteem :)</p>

<p>Maybe you had an AMAZING SAT score! That's definitely a confidence booster! </p>

<p>Mine PIN mail doesn't have the "impressive academic credentials..." part. Its just:</p>

<p>We are happy to have received Form 1 of your Regular Decision application to brown. </p>

<p>Followed by instructions as to how to check my application status. Brown Username and Brown Passkey. etc.</p>

<p>same as qzong8p3. I'm just too average.</p>

<p>I think that I got that letter after the PSATs last year...I'm not sure what it means</p>

<p>Same as qzong and 1q2w...siiiiigh.</p>

<p>I get a lot of mail from colleges where they have the username/password and the "impressive score" thing . . . it's most likely from the PSATs/SATs where people who score above a certain number will get the letters. It's just to make them aware of certain institutions, but it won't give you any sort of advantage whatsoever.
To summarize what they all typically say: "Hello, you're smart, just so you know, we exist."</p>

<p>I'm afraid they were just buttering you up. Every year, the top schools in the country spend thousands of dollars to recruit students that they know they're going to reject. Why? So they can boost their selectivity ratings and maybe go up in the U.S. Weekly college rankings. Sad, but true. The colleges are as cut-throat about admissions as the people applying to them.
Having said that, that doesn't mean that you're a bad student or stupid or anything by any stretch of the imagination. Just... take praise from people you know and trust, not a university with ulterior motives.</p>

<p>Yeah, they just want you to apply.</p>

<p>they just want you to apply, dude. Welcome to the club.</p>