<p>My daughter will be a freshman this fall and plans on getting a B.S. in psychology. She can place out of Psych 1 at Lehigh with her AP test score. But since psychology will be her major is it best to still take Psych 1? I'm hoping someone majoring in psychology at Lehigh, who placed out of psych 1 and did not take it, can comment on whether they felt they were not as prepared taking higher level psych classes without the foundation of Psych 1. Thanks so much!</p>
<p>I completed a psych minor at lehigh (4 upper level psych classes in addition to intro psych). I used the AP credit to get out of intro psych and it didn’t hurt me at all. Intro psych is a huge class with many exams, and it probably wouldn’t help your daughter much to take it. However, if she did very well in AP Psych it might serve as a good GPA booster.</p>
<p>One bit of advice - if she decides to place out of Intro Psych and start with upper level ones she should definitely try to over study for the tests. I studied for my first psych exams like I did for the ones in HS and it definitely wasn’t enough (I typed up notes from class and the book and then reviewed the study guide I made). I would suggest making nice flash cards for every exam and going through them relentlessly. You definitely don’t want to start off with bad exam grades!</p>