I'm planning to transfer from cc to UCLA for Fall 2012.
I'm interested in cognitive science major.
I will be taking philosophy, physics, and Calculus 1 this coming Spring '11 to complete all my pre reqs for this major. However, I'll be still short on Calculus 2 by the time I transfer..
Will this class affect me from getting accepted? </p>
<p>Thanks in advance! :D</p>
<p>Nah you should be okay if you have good grades
<p>It was my alternate major</p>
<p>I think you should be fine since it isn’t an impacted major, but do you have the computer programming pre reqs done too?</p>
<p>oh yea. i forgot to list computer pragmming pre req. i also have to take that class in the Spring '12. I know I’m badddd. cramming all the classes in the end =( But i just recently found out about this major…and yea…=( Thanks for all the replies! :)</p>
<p>I’d also like to know how important those programming classes are because im basically in the same position as you except i’ll have calc II done but not physics</p>
<p>i just found out about this major too! im glad that i did because on the assist website, it says that cogsci promises to be at the forefront in future years. =) hopefully it wont be impacted by the time i transfer. this is my first year at CC.</p>